

フミのミクラ ○二









I could understand absolutely all that was said, and when Labinola pronounced her judgement, I was in total agreement with her decisions.

I could hear in the murmuring of the crowd, reflections of admiration for her wisdom, never once did she turn towards Xinolini and never did she ask his advice. I felt a great pride invade me, knowing that I had been this woman in another life and I felt, during this time, the light tingling sensation that I was starting to recognise.

Everything disappeared again and then I was in the most luxurious of bedrooms. It proved to be that of Labinola, who lay, completely naked, on the bed. Three women and two men hovered nearby. As I approached, I could see her face, streaming with perspiration and disfigured with the pain of labour.

The women, midwives, and the men, the most eminent doctors in the kingdom, seemed worried. The child was arriving in a breech position and Labinola had lost a lot of blood. This was her first child and she was exhausted. Fear was evident in the eyes of the midwives and doctors and I knew that Labinola already realised she was going to die.

The scene moved forwards two hours in time and Labinola had just breathed her last breath. She had lost too much blood. The child, too, had died, suffocating before it could emerge into the world. Labinola, this pretty creature of twenty-eight years, so beautiful and good had just released her Astral body - my Astral body, to live another life.

Further scenes were already appearing, revealing other lives on other planets - as men, women and children. Twice I was a beggar, and three times a sailor. I was a water carrier in India, a goldsmith in Japan where I lived till ninety-five years of age; a Roman soldier; a black child at Chad devoured by a lion at the age of eight years; an Indian fisherman on the Amazon, dead at forty two years leaving twelve children; an Apache chief dead at eighty six years; several times a peasant farmer, on Earth as well as on other planets; and twice an ascetic in the mountains of Tibet and on another planet.

Apart from when I was Labinola, ruling Queen of one-third of a planet, most of my lives were very modest. I saw scenes from all eighty of my previous lives - some of which impressed me a lot. I do not have time to detail them all in this book, as they would fill a volume on their own. Maybe one day I will write it.

At the end of the ‘show’, I had the impression of moving backwards in the ‘tunnel’ and, when I opened my eyes, Thao and the three Thaori were smiling kindly. When it was established that I was indeed back in my present skin, the leader addressed me in the following words:

‘We wanted to show you your past lives, that you might notice they vary, as though they were attached to a wheel. Because a wheel is made to turn, any point on it that is on top will soon be at the bottom - it is inevitable, do you see?

‘One day you are a beggar and then you can be a Queen, such as Labinola who, of course, was not only at the top of the wheel but also learned a lot and greatly helped others. And yet, in many cases, a beggar will learn as much as a king and in some instances he will learn much more.

‘When you were an ascetic in the mountains, you assisted many more individuals than in most of your other lives. What counts most is not appearances, but what is behind them.

‘When your Astral body takes on another physical body it is, quite simply, in order to learn more, and even more...

‘As we have explained to you, it is for the sake of your Higher Self. It is a process of continual refinement, which can occur just as effectively in the body of a beggar as in that of a king or a miner. The physical body is but a tool. A sculptor’s chisel and hammer are tools; they will never reach beauty on their own, but they contribute to it in the hands of an artist. A wonderful statue could not have been created with the artist’s bare hands.

‘You should always bear in mind this main point: An Astral body, in all cases, must conform to Universal Law, and, by following nature as closely as possible, it can achieve the ultimate goal by the fastest path.’

With that, the Thaori resumed their places and we resumed ours.

During my stay in the doko, the sun had set; however, they didn’t deem it necessary to explain the luminous ambience that allowed us to see at least fifteen metres in distance inside the doko.

My attention was still focused on the Thaori. They were looking at me with kindness, surrounded by a golden mist that became more and more dense, into which they disappeared - just as they had on my first visit.

This time, Thao gently placed her hand on my shoulder and asked me to follow her. She led me towards the entrance of the doko, and in an instant we were outside. It was completely dark and no light shone anywhere apart from over the entrance. I could see no more than three metres in front of me and wondered how we were going to find the flying platform. I then remembered that Thao could see as well by night as by day. I was curious to see evidence of this - like a typical Earthling, I sought proof! It was provided immediately. Thao lifted me up effortlessly and sat me on her shoulders, just as we on Earth carry our little ones.

‘You could stumble,’ she explained, as we proceeded along the path - and indeed, she seemed to know exactly where she was going, just as though it were daylight.

Before long, she put me down on the seat of the Lativok and sat herself next to me. I placed my mask, which I had been holding in my hand, on my knees, and almost immediately we took off.

I must say that, in spite of my confidence in Thao, I felt uneasy at flying ‘blind’. We flew between the immense trees of the park and I couldn’t even see the stars that usually shone so brightly. Great clouds had formed after sundown and our surroundings were completely obscured in darkness. Next to me, however, I could see Thao’s Aura and the ‘bouquet’ at the top of her head, which was particularly bright.

We picked up speed and I’m sure we travelled as fast in the darkness as we did by day. I felt some drops of rain sting my face. Thao moved her hand towards a point on the machine and I felt the rain no more. At the same instant, I had the impression that we were stopping and I wondered what was happening, for I knew we were over the ocean. Occasionally, in the distance on our left, I could make out coloured lights that moved.

‘What is it?’ I asked Thao.

‘The lights at the entrances to the dokos on the coast.’

I was trying to understand why the dokos were moving, when suddenly, through the darkness which seemed even thicker, a light came directly towards us and stopped beside us.

‘We are at your place,’ said Thao. ‘Come on.’

She lifted me again. I felt a slight pressure as when one enters a doko and then felt the rain full on my face. The downpour was very strong but, in a few strides, Thao was under the light and we entered the doko.

‘We got here just in time,’ I remarked.

‘Why? For the rain? No, it’s actually been pouring for a short while now. I activated the force field - didn’t you notice? You stopped feeling the wind, didn’t you?’

‘Yes, but I thought we had stopped. I don’t understand at all.’

Thao burst into laughter, which put me at ease again and suggested that the explanation to the mystery was about to unfold.

‘The force field not only keeps the rain out but also the wind, so you had no reference point by which to judge whether we moved or not. You see, one must not rely on perception.’

‘But how could you find this place in such darkness?’

‘As I told you, we can see as well by night as by day. That’s why we don’t use lighting - I realise that is not convenient for you, you can’t see me now, but, in any case, we have had a very full day and I think it would be best for you to rest now. Let me help you.’

She led me to the relaxation area, wishing me a good night. I asked her if she was going to stay with me, but she explained that she lived quite nearby, not even requiring the vehicle to transport her there. With that, she left and I stretched out and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of Thao’s voice as she leaned over me, whispering in my ear.

I observed as I had the first time, that this relaxation area was well deserving of its name, for I would not have heard Thao, had she not leaned over me to speak, sound being extremely muffled here. Further, I had slept soundly, without waking once. I was perfectly rested.

I got up and followed Thao towards the pool. It was at this time that she told me of the accident that had befallen Arki. I was greatly saddened by the news and tears sprang to my eyes. Thao reminded me that Arki was proceeding to another existence and should be remembered as a friend who has left us to go elsewhere.

‘Indeed it is sad, but we must not be selfish, Michel. Other adventures and other joys are probably in store for Arki.’

I washed and when I rejoined Thao, we enjoyed a very light meal and drank some hydromel. I didn’t feel hungry. Looking up, I could see the grey sky and the rain falling on the doko. It was interesting to watch, as the raindrops didn’t stream down the doko as they would have done over a glass dome. Instead, they simply disappeared when they reached the doko’s force field. I looked at Thao and she smiled at me, having seen my surprise.

‘The drops are dislocated by the force field, Michel. It is elementary physics - at least for us. But there are more interesting things to study and, unfortunately, you have so little time. There are still more things that I must teach you, so your fellow men might be enlightened when you write your book - such as the mystery of Christ which I mentioned yesterday when we were interrupted by Arki’s arrival.

‘First, I must speak to you of Egypt and Israel, as well as of Atlantis, the famous continent so often talked of on Earth and the subject of so much controversy.

‘Atlantis, like the continent of Mu, did exist and was situated in the northern hemisphere, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It was attached to Europe, and linked to America by an isthmus and to Africa by another isthmus at about the latitude of the Canary Islands. Its area was slightly greater than that of Australia.

‘It was inhabited by the people of Mu, approximately 30 000 years ago - in fact, it was a colony of Mu. There was also a white race there - tall blond people with blue eyes. It was the Mayas, very learned colonisers from Mu, who governed the country, and they constructed there, a replica of the Pyramid of Savanasa.

‘Seventeen thousand years ago, they explored the Mediterranean thoroughly, going via the north of Africa where they acquainted the Arabs, (descendants of the cross-breeding between yellow and black Bakaratinians) with much new knowledge - material as well as spiritual. The numerical script, for example, still used by the Arabs, came from Atlantis, and from Mu, of course.

‘They went to Greece where they founded a small colony and the Greek alphabet corresponds almost exactly to that of Mu.

‘Finally they arrived in a land that the natives called Aranka and which you know as Egypt. There, they established a strong colony with a great man, by the name of Toth1, at its head. Laws were established which embodied the beliefs of Mu and the organisational principles of Atlantis. Improved plants, new techniques for raising cattle, new methods of cultivation, pottery and weaving were all introduced.

‘Toth was a great man of Atlantis, extremely knowledgeable materially as well as spiritually. He founded villages, built temples and, just before his death, he had constructed what you now call the Great Pyramid. Each time these great colonisers judged that the new colony had the potential to become great, materially and spiritually, they would construct a special pyramid - a tool - as you were able to see for yourself on Mu. In Egypt, they constructed the Great Pyramid on the same model as the Pyramid of Savanasa, but on a scale three times reduced. These pyramids are unique and, in order to fulfil their role as a ‘tool’, their dimensions and specifications must be precisely adhered to, as well as their orientation.’

‘Do you know how much time it took?’

‘It was quite fast - just nine years, for Toth and his master architects knew the secrets of anti-gravitation from Mu, and the secrets for cutting the rock and using - let’s call them ‘electro-ultra-sounds’.’

‘But on Earth, the experts believe it to have been constructed by the Pharaoh Cheops.’

‘It’s not so, Michel. Of course, this is not the only mistake that the experts on Earth have made. On the other hand, I can confirm that the Pharaoh Cheops used this pyramid as it was meant to be used.

‘The Maya-Atlanteans were not the only ones to explore and colonise. Gone for thousands of years, the Nagas had colonised Burma, India and finally they reached the shores of Egypt, at about the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer. They too, founded a successful colony and occupied upper Egypt. Both groups of colonisers introduced similar sorts of improvements. The Nagas established a large town called Mayou, on the banks of the Red Sea. The natives of the region went to their schools, gradually becoming assimilated with the colonists and producing the Egyptian race.

‘However, about 5000 years ago, the Nagas in the north of Egypt and the Maya-Atlanteans began fighting for a reason that is quite ludicrous. The Atlanteans, whose religion differed significantly from the religion of Mu, believed in the reincarnation of the soul (Astral body) in the country of its ancestors. Thus, they claimed that the soul travelled westward to where they had come from. The Nagas held a similar belief except that they claimed the soul went back to the east, since they had come from the east.

‘For two years they were actually at war over this difference but it was not a terribly cruel war, as both groups comprised of fundamentally peace loving people, and eventually they became allied and formed a unified Egypt.

‘The first King of United Egypt, both upper and lower, was called Mena. It was he who established the town of Memphis. He was elected by the same method used in Mu - a method that did not long survive in Egypt, due to the rise of a powerful clergy which little by little put the Pharaohs under its thumb. This situation continued over the years with notable exceptions among the Pharaohs who yielded to the clergy. One such exception was the Pharaoh Athnaton1 who was poisoned by the priests. Before dying, he made the following statement: ‘The time that I have spent on this Earth was an era in which the simplicity of Truth was not understood and was rejected by many.’ As often happens in religious sects, the Egyptian priests distorted the Truth, simple though it was, in order to have a better hold over the people. They had them believing in the devil and in various divine beings as well as other such nonsense.

‘It must also be said that prior to the war and the subsequent peace-pact which saw Mena installed as King of Egypt, the population, made up of Maya-Atlanteans and Nagas in equal proportions, had established a sophisticated civilisation in both upper and lower Egypt.

‘The country was prosperous. Farming and grazing flourished and the (time of the) first King of Egypt, Mena, was, almost the culmination [11] of this rising civilisation.

‘Now, at this point, we must go back in time. Arki said that Earth is still being visited by extra-terrestrials and, as you know, it has been regularly visited in the past. But, I should elaborate on this.

‘Earth is visited, as are many other inhabitable planets scattered throughout the Universe. Sometimes the inhabitants of certain planets are obliged to evacuate as their planet is dying. Now, as Arki also explained, you can’t change planets as you might change houses. You must conform to a cycle that is well established; otherwise, catastrophes can be the consequence. This is what happened 12 000 years ago. Human beings left the planet Hebra in order to explore [14] the galaxy in search of a new planet of the same category as their own, for they knew that, in the millennium to come, their planet would become totally uninhabitable.

‘A spacecraft, capable of extremely high speeds, experienced serious problems during its reconnaissance flight and was obliged to land on your planet. It landed in the region of Krasnodar, a town in Western Russia. Needless to say, at the time there was no town, no people, no Russia.

‘On board the spacecraft were eight astronauts: three women and five men. These people were approximately 170 centimetres in height, with black eyes, fair skin and long brown hair. They made a successful landing and began repairs to their vessel.

‘They found the gravitational force stronger than on their own planet and, initially, had some difficulty moving about. They established a camp near their spacecraft, expecting repairs to take some time. One day, during work, an accident occurred causing a terrific explosion that destroyed half of the vessel and killed five of the cosmonauts. The other three, being some distance away, were unharmed. They were Robanan, a man, and Levia and Dina, two women.

‘They knew well what was in store for them. Coming from a planet of a superior category, they did not belong on Earth, where they were in fact prisoners, and thus they anticipated the misadventures that befell them. The accident came as no great surprise.

‘For several months, the three remained at the spot for the season was warm. They had some weapons and they were able to procure game - their provisions of manna and roustian having been lost in the explosion. Eventually the cold arrived and they decided to move further south.

‘The gravitational force made walking long distances extremely difficult for them, so that their trek south to warmer climates became a veritable ‘Road to Calvary’. They passed by the Black Sea heading in the direction of today’s Israel. The journey took months but they were young people and, astonishingly, they made it. The weather became more clement, and even hot, as they reached lower latitudes. They stopped by a river, establishing there a permanent camp - all the more permanent since Dina was several months pregnant. At full term, she gave birth to a son whom they named Ranan. By then, Levia too, was pregnant and some time later, she also bore a son, Rabion.

‘These people from Hebra acclimatised in this spot which was rich in game, honey and edible plants - and there they founded their line. It was quite some time later that they made the acquaintance of some nomads passing by. This was their first contact with Earthlings. The nomads numbered ten and, having found Robanan’s women to their liking, they wanted to kill him and take all that he had, including the women.

‘Robanan still had his weapon and, although a pacifist, he was obliged to use it and killed four of his attackers who fled in the face of such power.

‘These people were greatly saddened that they had to resort to such a measure, and saw in it yet another sign that they were on a planet that was forbidden to them by Universal Law...’

‘I don’t understand,’ I interrupted. ‘I thought that it wasn’t possible to jump categories in a forward direction, but that it would be possible to go to inferior planets.’

‘No, Michel, neither forwards nor backwards. If you go forward, disregarding Universal Law, you will die; if you go backwards, you expose yourself to worse conditions because your advanced spirituality can’t exist in a materialistic environment.

‘If you like, I can give you an analogy in the form of a childish comparison. Imagine a man immaculately dressed in polished shoes, white socks and pressed suit. You oblige this man to walk through a farmyard, 30 centimetres deep in mud. Further, you insist that he put this mud into a wheelbarrow with his hands. No need to ask what state he will be in when he has finished.

‘Nonetheless, our group of extra-terrestrials founded their line that became the ancestors of present-day Jews.

‘The Bible was written later by scribes who retraced the history of these people, distorting it, as legend became mixed with reality.

‘I can affirm for you that the Adam of the Bible was, not only, not the first man on Earth, far from it, but he was called Robanan and he didn’t have a wife called Eve but two wives named Levia and Dina. The race of Jews developed from these three, without mixing with other races because, by atavism1, they felt themselves superior - and indeed they were.

‘However, I must assure you that the (original2 - Editor’s comment in agreement with the Author.) - Bible is not the product of the scribes’ imagination - nor is it embellished. There was much truth in it. I say ‘was’ because in the various councils of the Roman Catholic Church, the Bible has been greatly revised, for reasons which are clear: to serve the needs of Christianity. This is why I said yesterday, that religions are one of the curses of Earth. I must also enlighten you in regard to several other biblical points.

‘Shortly after the arrival of the Hebrews on Earth, we helped them on several occasions. We also punished them. For example, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was caused by one of our space vehicles. The people of those two towns were presenting a bad example and acting dangerously for the people in contact with them. We tried various means in an endeavour to put them back on the right track, but in vain. We had to be ruthless.

my image of this event (picture not from book - rø)

‘Each time that you read in the Bible: ‘And the Lord God said this or that’ - you should read ‘and the inhabitants of Thiaoouba said...’.’

‘Why not save them in the beginning and take them back to their planet or to another of the same category?’

‘That is, of course, a reasonable question, Michel, but there is a snag. We can’t predict the future more than 100 years in advance. We thought, at the time, that, being such a small group, they might not survive and, if they did, they would mix with other races and thus be absorbed by other peoples and rendered ‘impure’. We guessed that this would occur within a century - but such was not the case. Even now, as you know, the race is still almost as pure as it was 12 000 years ago.

‘As I told you, by means of religious councils, priests erased or changed many things in the Bible, but others survived and can easily be explained.


footnotes to this:

1 - ‘atavism’ - here - aiming to reconstruct the original characteristics. The first generations of people described in the Bible lived up to 900 years. (Editor’s note)


‘In Chapter 18, verse (1) the scribe refers to our appearance at that time, saying: ‘The Lord God appeared unto him among the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the entrance to his tent in the heat of day.’ The scribe is speaking of Abraham in this chapter.(1 - ‘God has never spoken’ - In the oldest available, the Hebrew version of the Bible Yehova is one of many synonyms for ‘God’. All other translations mix them up completely - replacing the exact names by ‘Father’ or ‘God’. From the Hebrew version it is clear that it was Yehova who talked to people, appeared in the human form, made ‘miracles’ and not God. From the information contained in this book it is clear that God is God (The Great Spirit) and Yehova = Thiaoouba. In the context of this single detail - the entire Bible makes much more sense and becomes fascinating reading. Editor)

‘(2) He, Abraham, looked up and saw three men standing nearby.

When he saw them he ran to them and fell to the ground before them.

(3) And he said, ‘Lord and master, if I have found grace in your eyes, I beg you not to go far from your servant.’ Abraham invites the three men to stay. The scribe refers to them as men one minute and yet one of them is also called ‘the Lord God’. He speaks to them and each time, it is the one referred to as ‘the Lord God’ who replies. Now, the priests of the Roman Catholic Church find this in formal contradiction with their views, as do many other religions, for they will tell you that no one can imagine the face of God - that one would be blinded by it. In a sense they are right, since the Creator, being a pure spirit, has no face!

‘According to the scribe, Abraham converses with the Lord God as he would with a high ranking lord on Earth. And the Lord God answers him and is accompanied by two other ‘men’ - the scribe does not speak of ‘angels’. Isn’t it odd that God comes down to Earth in the form of a man, accompanied, not by angels, but by men? Actually, there, and in many other places in the Bible, it is easy for someone of good faith to see that God has never spoken to any human being.1

‘He could not have done so, since it is astral bodies which aspire towards Him and not God who leans towards them. That would be like a river flowing backwards - you have never seen a river flowing from the sea to the mountaintop, have you? A passage from the Bible, two pages further on from the one just mentioned, is also quite amusing: Chapter 19, verse (1): ‘The two angels arrived in Sodom, and Lot was seated at the gates to Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to go and kiss the ground in front of them’ - then he manages to get them to go to his house, and suddenly, in verse five, ‘They called Lot and said to him: ‘Where are the men who entered your house?’. Now the scribe is referring to them as ‘men’. Next, in verse (10), ‘The men reached out, made Lot come inside and closed the door.’ (11) ‘And they struck blind everyone at the entrance to the house, from the smallest to the largest person, so that it was useless for them to try to find the door.’

‘It is easy to see the lack of precision in this passage, where the scribe begins by speaking of two angels, then speaks of two men, and then describes two men striking people blind. According to the Bible, such a ‘miracle’ requires at least an angel! There my dear, is another good example of confusion in Earthly scripts. The ‘men’ were quite simply our men from Thiaoouba.

Thus we guided and helped the Jews, for it would have been a shame to let a race so spiritually evolved sink back into ignorance and savagery only because it had accidentally committed the error of coming to a planet which was not appropriate for it. We helped them in the centuries that followed and it is this that certain scribes have tried to explain by writing the accounts that have formed the Bible. Often they were in good faith; at times, they have distorted the facts, although not purposely.

‘The only times this distortion was purposely done, and for very specific reasons, as I have said, was by the Roman Church during the councils of Nicein AD 325, Constantinople in AD 381, Ephese in AD 431 and Chalcedoine in AD 451. There were others too, but of lesser significance. The Bible is not the Book of God, as many people on Earth believe it to be; it is simply a document of ancient history much modified and full of embellishments, added by writers different from the original scribes. For example, let’s go back to Egypt and the time of the Exodus, which interests people on Earth. I’m going to restore the truth concerning this, for you and for others, before going further.

‘Let’s go back, then, to Egypt, where we find that the descendants of the cosmonauts have become the Hebrew people (the name deriving from that of their planet, Hebra). Since arriving accidentally on your planet, this race has experienced great difficulties - it experienced them then and it experiences them still.

‘As you know, the Jews are very intelligent by comparison with other races; they have a religion which is quite different; and they don’t mix with other races. Marriages are almost always among their own kind. Because of inexorable Universal Law, they have always suffered persecution, much of which has occurred in recent times. As a result, their astral bodies were liberated and therefore able to proceed directly to more highly evolved planets where they belong.

‘As you also know, a group of Hebrews travelled with Joseph, son of Jacob, into Egypt, where they established a line, only to end up being hated by the Egyptians and always for the same unstated reasons - their intelligence and, particularly, their solidarity in the face of adversity. Action was needed.’

chapter 11

Who was Christ?

‘This occurred during the time of the Pharaoh Seti I. It was a time when the people of Earth had all become materialistic. In Egypt, it was common in high society to take drugs; likewise, in Greece. Fornication with animals was by no means rare - something which is absolutely contrary to Nature and Universal Law.

‘Our mission being to help when it was deemed necessary, we decided to change the course that history was taking, by intervening at this point. We had to get the Hebrews out of Egypt, for they could no longer evolve as a free people while under the evil domination of the Egyptians. It was decided to send a man, capable and just, to lead the Hebrews from Egypt and back to the land they had occupied previously, that is, soon after their arrival on Earth.

‘On the planet Naxiti, a planet of the eighth category, a man by the name of Xioxtin had just died. His Astral body was waiting to be reincarnated on Thiaoouba, when it was put to him, that instead, he might be the liberator of the Hebrews. He agreed to this and went to Earth as Moses.

‘Moses, then, was born in Egypt of Egyptian parents. His father was the equivalent of a sub-lieutenant in the army.

‘Moses was not born a Hebrew - that is yet another error in the Bible. The story of the little Hebrew baby set adrift in the water and rescued by a princess is very romantic, but incorrect.’

‘What a shame! I always loved that story. It’s quite wonderful - like a fairy story!’

‘Fairy tales are indeed very pretty, Michel, but you must concern yourself with the Truth - not fantasy. Promise me that you will only report what is the Truth?’

‘Of course, have no fear, Thao - your instructions will be followed to the letter, so to speak.’

‘I was explaining then, that Moses was born in an Egyptian, military family. His father’s name was Lathotes. Until the age of ten, Moses played often with the Hebrew children. A pretty and amiable child, he was popular with the Hebrew mothers who indulged him with offerings of sweets. In turn, they won his heart and he came to love his Hebrew friends like brothers. This is why he was incarnated of course, but you must realise that, after having seen his life as Moses flash before him, and, after accepting to live that life, all details of it were erased from his memory. He passed through what certain Nagas have called ‘The River of Oblivion’ - this happens whether one accepts or rejects a possible reincarnation. Of course, there is a reason for it.

‘If, for example, you remembered that, around forty years of age, you would lose your wife and two cherished children in a car accident and that you, yourself, would be confined to a wheelchair, the knowledge could tempt you to take your life rather than face up to your troubles, or it might lead you to behave badly in other spheres. So, the ‘film’ is erased, in something like the way you ‘wipe out’ a tape recording.

‘Occasionally, by accident, the machine does not erase everything and you can hear brief portions of what should have been erased. Of course, my analogies are fanciful when I speak of ‘films’ and ‘tape recordings’ but I hope they give you an idea of what I am trying to explain. In reality, the process involves electro-photonics, which mean nothing, yet, to people on Earth. This, in fact, occurs often in the ‘films’ that the Higher Self shows to an Astral body, which is why most people say, on several occasions in the course of their lives ‘I have seen that before’ or ‘I have heard that before’ and they know what the very next action or word will be. In English, people call this feeling ‘deja vu’.’

‘Yes, I understand well what you are saying. The strangest such experience that I have had was when I was in French Equatorial Africa. I was in the army and we were on manoeuvres about 600 kilometres from base. We were approaching the Tchad border and I was standing with other soldiers in the back of a troop carrier facing the road.

‘Suddenly, I ‘recognised’ the road as if I’d been there just a fortnight before. I was as though hypnotised by this stretch of road that ended with a right-angled bend. I ‘recognised’ the road, however, I was also sure that, around the bend, I was going to see a little straw hut, all by itself, sheltered by a mango tree. I was increasingly convinced that such would be the case and, when the truck took the bend, there it was - a lone straw hut beneath a mango tree. And then it was over - I ‘recognised’ nothing more. My face turned white.


‘My nearest companion asked me if I was feeling all right, and I explained what had happened. His response was: ‘You must have come here as a kid.’ I knew that my parents had never set foot in Africa but I still wrote to them, so strongly had the experience affected me. Their reply was: ‘No, and you never left us to make any such accompanied journeys when you were little.’

‘So, my friend suggested that I might have gone there during a previous existence, for he was a believer in reincarnation. What do you think of that?’

‘It’s what I’ve just explained to you, Michel. Quite a long segment of your ‘film’ was not erased for you and I’m glad, for it illustrates very well what I was explaining to you in regard to Moses.

‘He wanted to help the Hebrews but, as he chose to enter that world by the usual means - as a new born baby, he was obliged to ‘forget’ what the course of his life would be.

‘However, in rare cases such as this one, the Astral body is so ‘charged’ with knowledge and experience from previous lives, that it has no trouble adapting to what it must learn in its new physical body. Moses was also advantaged in that he was sent to a good school with numerous facilities. He was enormously successful in his studies and gained entry into a much higher school of science, headed by priests and Egyptian experts. At this time, the Egyptians still had high schools which catered for a very limited elite, teaching some of the learnings Toth brought from Atlantis a long time previously. He was near finishing his studies, when he was witness to an incident that had great significance in his life.

‘Still feeling great friendship towards the Hebrews, he often walked with them, despite the urgent recommendations of his father not to do so. The Hebrews were becoming increasingly despised by the Egyptians, and his father advised Moses not to mix with this race.

‘Nevertheless, on this day he was walking in the vicinity of a building site where Hebrews were working under the directions of Egyptian soldiers. From afar he saw a soldier hit a Hebrew, who fell to the ground. Before he could intervene, a group of Hebrews threw themselves on the soldier and killed him; then they buried him quickly in foundations being made to hold an enormous column.

‘Moses didn’t know what to do, but he was seen by a couple of the Hebrews as he moved away. Believing he would denounce them, the Hebrews panicked and hastened to spread the word that it was Moses who had killed the soldier. When he arrived home, his father was waiting for him and advised him to go, immediately, into the desert. The Bible story that he went to the country of Madian is true, as is the report of his marriage to the daughter of the priest of Madian. I am not going to elaborate further on the details. We wanted to save these people from the slavery into which they’d fallen and, worse, from the clutches of evil priests who were a danger to their psyche.

‘More than a million years earlier, we had saved another group of people from the hands of other dangerous priests, if you recall, and, interestingly, it was in practically the same location. Do you see how history is just a perpetual recommencement?

‘Moses led the Hebrews from Egypt much as it is described in the Bible - but, before proceeding, I must rectify certain errors, since we know that many people on Earth are greatly interested in this famous Exodus.

‘First of all, the Pharaoh at the time was Ramses II, who was successor to Seti I. Next, the Hebrews numbered 375 000 and, when they arrived at the Sea of Reeds, and not the Red Sea, our spaceships, numbering three, opened the waters, which were quite shallow, by means of our force field. We allowed the waters to close again, but not a single Egyptian soldier drowned - simply because they hadn’t followed the Hebrews into the water. The Pharaoh, in spite of enormous pressure from the priests, did not retract his promise and let the Hebrews leave.

‘The manna, distributed every day, came from our spacecraft. I must explain to you that manna is not only very nourishing, as you know, but also very compactable, which is why many spaceships carry it on board. However, if you leave manna too long exposed to the air, it becomes soft and rots within eighteen hours.

(also another ufo-contact case from south-america from 1973 - where Enrique C.Rincon was taken aboard a ca 60m big saucer - with normal-earth-like pleiadians said some similar - here he writes - taken from the book UFO-CONTACT FROM PLEIADES:

"They gave me a kind of chocolate bar, sealed in plastic, which I opened and ate. It had a taste like 'sabajon', a kind of mild liquor sold in Colombia, and my hunger disappeared completely. And then he said, 'WE have something that we want to give you that is very important.' My body began to warm up all over. 'You are going to eat something very interesting and which you will like very much.' They brought me something like large white corn taco and told me to eat it. I broke it and put some in my mouth. In a moment I felt a tremendous sensation and warm feeling. I thought at that moment that they were drugging me. 'ciril; Krhisnamerk(the pleiadian ET) said 'Do you know what they called that? The Jews were fed on that for 40 years in the desert.' 'The manna of the scriptures,' I said. 'No more, no less,' was the reply 'You are eating manna and you will not get hungry for 24 hours. It gives you tremendous energy; it is prepare for us.' Then ideas began to rush into my head, so fast I could not coordinate them. I thought of Elias and of Moses, and then I returned to the present. I felt like I was going crazy. They laughed and simply observed, 'We were one of those who helped the Jews. Our great ship were always camouflaged. They could be made invisible by a simple change of vibrational energy, right over the heads of the people, and they could not see them."'

"I couldn't understand this then, and I can't today. I have a little more knowledge about it now but I still do not completely understand. The public has asked many questions and I have tried to answer but I must confess(tilstå) my ignorance concerning a civilization so advanced as this, and they were trying to simplify everything as much as possible so that I could understand it better."

back to Thaos words:

‘That’s why we recommended that the Hebrews take only as much as they needed for each day; and those who took more, soon saw they had made a mistake and that they should have followed the advice of ‘the Lord God’, who was actually us.

‘The Hebrews did not take forty years to reach Canaan, but only three and a half years. Lastly, the story of Mount Sinai is almost true.

‘We landed on the mountain so as not to be seen by the people. It was preferable at the time, for these simple people to believe in a God, rather than in extra-terrestrials who watched over them and helped them.

‘So that is the explanation of the Hebrew people, Michel, but it isn’t finished. In our eyes, these were the only people who followed the right direction, that is, the direction of spirituality. Among them, and, later, among their great priests, there were some who rumoured that a Messiah was going to come and save them. They should not have told the people that, for they were reporting a part of the conversation we had with Moses on Mount Sinai. Since then, the Hebrews have been waiting for the arrival of the Messiah - and yet, he has already come.

‘Let’s now jump in time. The Hebrews, back again in the land they had originally settled, were now better organised. They established a civilisation notable for great royal legislators such as Solomon and David, to name but two.

‘We observed that these people, following Solomon’s death, were heading towards anarchy and allowing themselves to be influenced by evil priests. Alexander the Great invaded Egypt but, in the end, did nothing constructive for the world. The Romans succeeded him, building an immense empire that was oriented more towards materialism than spirituality.

‘The great peoples, such as the Romans, were technologically advanced for their time - relatively speaking, of course. But they brought with them a smattering of gods and beliefs - just enough to cause spiritual confusion, and, certainly, not enough to lead the people to Universal Truth.

‘This time, we decided to give a ‘big hand’. Rather than give it in a spiritually sterile land like Rome, we did it in Israel, thinking that the Hebrews were very intelligent, having ancestors who were spiritually highly advanced. We considered them adequate to propagate universal Truth.

‘The Hebrew people were unanimously elected by the great Thaori. On Earth, they were referred to as the ‘Chosen People’ and the name could not be more appropriate - they were indeed ‘chosen’.

‘Our plan was to capture public imagination by sending a messenger of peace. The story of the birth of Jesus, as you know it, with the Virgin Mary as mother, is quite true. The appearance of an angel at the Annunciation is correct in every detail. We sent a spaceship and one of us appeared before the virgin, who was indeed a virgin, telling her she was going to become pregnant. The embryo was implanted in her while she was under hypnosis.

‘I see, Michel, you are having enormous difficulty believing what I have been saying. Never forget that we have THE knowledge - you have not seen one-tenth of what we can do. Attend carefully and I will give you a few examples to help you understand what I’m going to tell you.’

Thao stopped talking and appeared to be concentrating. As I watched, her face became a blur and, instinctively, I rubbed my eyes. Of course, this did not help and, in fact, she became progressively transparent until I could see right through her. Finally, she was no longer there - she had completely disappeared.

‘Thao,’ I called, slightly concerned, ‘where are you?’

‘Here, Michel.’

I jumped, for the voice came as a whisper, quite close to my ear. ‘But you are completely invisible!’

‘Now, yes - but you are going to see me again. Look!’

‘My goodness, what has happened to you?’

Several feet in front of me, I saw the silhouette of Thao, completely golden yet radiant, as though inside her there burned a fire, its flames brief but intense. As for her face, it was recognisable but her eyes seemed to send forth little rays each time she spoke.

She began to rise a few feet above the ground, without having moved a muscle of her ‘body’; then she started to circle the room, so fast I had trouble keeping my eyes on her.

She stopped, eventually, above her seat and sat her ghostly form down. It was as though she were made of a shining mist - she was still recognisable as Thao and yet, quite transparent. The next instant she was gone. I looked around, but she had completely vanished.

‘Look no further, Michel, I am back.’ Indeed, there she was, in flesh and bone again, sitting on her seat.

‘How do you do that?’

‘As I was just explaining to you, we have THE knowledge. We can revive the dead; cure the deaf and the blind; make people walk who are paralysed; we can cure any malady you care to name. We are masters, not of Nature, but in Nature, and we can do the thing most difficult of all - we can generate life spontaneously.

‘Out of the release of cosmic ray, we can create any type of living creature, including man.’

‘You mean that you have mastered the ‘test-tube baby’?’

‘Not at all, Michel. You reason like an Earthling. We can create a human body, but that is done only by the great Thaori, taking infinite care, for the human body must be inhabited by several bodies, as you are aware - the physiological, the astral etc. If not, it would merely be a robot. Perfect knowledge is therefore required for such an undertaking.’

‘So, how much time do you need to create a baby?’

‘You have not quite grasped what I am saying, Michel. I am speaking, not of a baby but, in this case, of an adult human being. A man of twenty or thirty years-of-age can be created by the Thaori in approximately twenty-four of your Earth hours.’

As one might expect, I was completely stunned by this disclosure. I had travelled in a spaceship at a speed several times that of light and had found myself billions of kilometres from my home. I had met extra-terrestrials, travelled in Astral body, journeyed in time to witness scenes that occurred thousands of years ago. I could now see Auras and understand languages I’d never heard before. I had even visited, briefly, Earth’s parallel universe. I thought I knew what there was to be known, by an Earthling, of these people and their capabilities, thanks to the explanations given to me. Now - it seemed I was being told that what I’d been presented with was like an hors d’oeuvre. My hosts could create a living human being in twenty four hours!

Thao was watching me, reading me like an open book.

‘Now that you follow my meaning, Michel, I’ll finish the story which is going to interest so many of your fellow men, in so far as the Bible has distorted it a little.

‘So, our ‘angel’ implanted an embryo, so that Mary, a virgin, found herself pregnant. By acting in this way, we hoped to attract the attention of the people and emphasise that the coming of Jesus was really a remarkable event. On the birth of the child, we appeared before the shepherds in the same way that I demonstrated a few moments ago. We didn’t send the three famous ‘wise men’ - they are part of the legend that has been grafted on to real events. However, we did guide the shepherds and a group of the people towards the spot where Jesus was born. This was accomplished by sending forth one of our spheres and rendering it luminous. The optical effect thereby created, made it, indeed, resemble a star over Bethlehem. Nowadays, if we were to do such a thing, people would be crying, ‘UFO’!

Eventually the priests, and those whom the priests named ‘prophets’, learned of the birth. In view of the phenomena of the star and the ‘angels’, the prophets announced to the people, the birth of the Messiah, referring to him as the King of the Jews.

‘King Herod however, had spies in all quarters, as most leaders do. When they reported these remarkable events to him, he found it all difficult to understand and became frightened. In those times, the lives of the people were worth little to their leaders, and Herod had no qualms about ordering the deaths of 2606 babies in the region.

‘While these deaths were being carried out, we evacuated, under hypnosis, Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus, as well as two donkeys, in our spaceship, depositing them in a spot quite close to Egypt. Do you see how the facts have been distorted? (parallell: The Hermit -book of the tibetan Rampa. rø-comment)

‘Now, there are other details which were reported conscientiously, but they are inaccurate due to lack of information. Let me explain. The baby Jesus, born in Bethlehem, proved, by the miracles pertaining to his birth, that he was quite special and was, in fact, the Messiah. So, we had captured the imagination of the people but, when a baby is born, its Astral body cannot ‘know all’ in regards to its previous knowledge. This was the case of Moses too, and yet he was a great person.

‘We required a messenger who would be able to persuade humanity that there was another life beyond this one, through reincarnation of the Astral body, etc. This was no longer commonly accepted since civilisation on Earth had become more and more degraded following the disappearance of Atlantis.

‘You know that, when you want to explain something that is not a material fact, even to your closest friends, you are confronted by scepticism. People seek material proof and, if they don’t see it with their own eyes, they won’t believe.

‘In order to transmit our message, we needed someone who behaved like an extraordinary being - like someone coming from ‘the heavens’, who performed what would appear to be ‘miracles’. Such a person would be believed and his teachings would be listened to.

‘As you know, an Astral body being reincarnated as a baby, passes through ‘The River of Oblivion’ and his earlier material knowledge is effaced. Therefore, the child born in Bethlehem would not have been able to perform ‘miracles’ even if he lived to 100 years of age. However, he was a superior being, like Moses. This is proven, by the way he astonished temple doctors at the age of twelve. Like the very young people now on Earth, who are called geniuses because they seem to have a calculation in their heads, Jesus was a human being inhabited by a highly evolved Astral body. And yet, even if he had studied in the very advanced schools on Earth, amongst the Nagas, for example, he never could have acquired the knowledge to revive the dead or cure the sick.

‘I know that, on Earth, there are people who believe that, from the age of twelve, until his return to Judea, Jesus studied in the monasteries of India and Tibet. This is how they try to explain the gap that exists in the Bible, when Jesus simply disappeared from Bethlehem.

‘He left his parents’ home at the age of fourteen, accompanied by his twelve year old brother Ouriki. He travelled to Burma, India, China and Japan. His brother accompanied Jesus everywhere, until Ouriki was accidentally killed in China. Jesus took a lock of Ouriki’s hair with him, for he loved him very much.

‘Jesus was fifty years of age when he arrived in Japan, where he married and had three daughters. Finally, he died in the Japanese village of Shingo, where he had lived for forty-five years. He was buried in Shingo, which is on the main island of Japan - Honshu, and beside his tomb is another, containing the little box holding Ouriki’s lock of hair.

‘Those of your fellow men who like evidence can go to Shingo, formerly known as Herai, in the district of Aomori.1

‘But, let’s go back to our precise mission in this regard... The only messenger we could send to Earth had to be one of us. The ‘Christ’ who died on the cross in Jerusalem, was called Aarioc. He was brought, by us, to the desert of Judea, having volunteered to change his physical body. Thus, he abandoned his hermaphrodite body, which had lived some considerable time on Thiaoouba, and took on the body of Christ, created for him by our Thaori. By so doing, he maintained totally, the knowledge he possessed on Thiaoouba.’

‘Why couldn’t he have remained in his body and simply reduced it in size, as Latoli and Biastra did, in front of me? Couldn’t he have stayed long enough in a ‘shrunken’ body?’

‘There was another problem, Michel, he had to resemble a human being from Earth in all respects, and, since we are hermaphrodites, we couldn’t risk the Hebrews noticing that this messenger from God was half female.


1 - Explanation of the fascinating Aomori evidence is quite long and has been published online at http://www.thiaoouba.com/tomb.htm (Editor’s note)

‘We can regenerate a body at will, which is why you have seen so few children on Thiaoouba. We can also create a body, as I have just explained, and we can reduce it in size. Don’t look at me like that, Michel. I realise that it is difficult for you to assimilate all this and to believe what I tell you, but we have already revealed enough for you to know that we are capable of mastering most natural phenomena.

‘Jesus, who came from Thiaoouba, was taken by us into the desert, and you know what followed. He knew that he would come up against numerous difficulties and that he was going to be crucified. He knew all, for he had ‘previewed’ his life with us, but he had done so as an Astral body in a physical body.

‘He remembered, just as you will remember and will always remember your journey to Mu and the glimpses of your previous lives.

‘The visions, I repeat, seen by Astral bodies in physical bodies are not erased in the way that visions seen by Astral bodies with the Higher-selves are. Thus, he knew all and knew exactly what to do. Of course, he had the power to resuscitate the dead, cure the blind and the deaf, and, when he was crucified and dead, we were there to take him away and revive him. We rolled the stone from the tomb, quickly took him to our spacecraft which was positioned nearby and, there, revived him. At the right moment, he appeared again, thereby providing his immortality, showing that there was, indeed, life after death, and regenerating hope among the people by persuading them that they did belong to the Creator and that each of us possesses a spark of His divinity.’

‘So, all his miracles were performed in order to prove that what he preached was true?’

‘Yes, because the Hebrews and the Romans would never have believed him if he hadn’t proven himself. There was a very good example of the strength of scepticism among people on Earth regarding the Shroud of Turin. Although millions believe in the coming of Jesus and practise, more or less, Christian religions, they were anxious to hear the results of research by experts, into whether or not the Shroud covered Christ after his ‘death’. You now know the answer to this. However, people seek proof and more proof, and still more proof, for doubt still exists in their minds. Buddha, an Earthling, who acquired his understanding through his own study, did not say, as your fellow men do: ‘I believe’, but rather, ‘I know’. Faith is never perfect but knowledge is.

‘When you return to Earth and tell your story, the first thing you will be asked is for evidence. If we were to give you, for example, a piece of metal which doesn’t exist on Earth, there would always be one, among the experts who analyse it, who would insist that you prove the metal was not created by a clever alchemist of your acquaintance - or some such thing.’

‘Will you give me something as proof?’

‘Michel, don’t disappoint me. You will have no material proof, for precisely the reasons I have just outlined - there would be no point.

‘Faith is nothing in comparison with knowledge. Buddha ‘knew’ and when you return to Earth, you too, will be able to say ‘I know’.

‘There is a well-known story of doubting Thomas who wanted to touch Christ’s wounds, for, seeing them with his own eyes did not convince him enough; and yet, when he touched them, he was still doubtful. He suspected some kind of magic trick. You know nothing of Nature on your planet, Michel, and, as soon as something occurs which is a little beyond your understanding, everyone claims it is magic. Levitation = magic; invisibility = magic - and yet we are only applying natural laws. Rather, you should say, levitation = knowledge and invisibility = knowledge.

‘So, Christ was sent to Earth to preach love and spirituality. He had to contend with people who were not highly evolved, speaking to them in parables. When he tipped over the merchants’ tables at the temple, angry for the first and only time, he was making a statement against money.

‘His mission was to impart a message of love and goodness - ‘love one another’ and also to enlighten the people in regard to the reincarnation of astral bodies and immortality. This was all distorted by priests in the time that followed and numerous disagreements led to the rise of the many sects which claim to follow the teachings of Christ.

‘Christians, throughout the centuries, have even killed in the name of God. The Inquisition was a good example, and the Spanish Catholics in Mexico behaved worse than the most savage tribes, all in the name of God and Christ.

‘Religions are a veritable curse on your planet - as I have said, and as I have proved. As for the new sects that are springing up and flourishing all over the world, they are based on control by brainwashing. It is terrifying to see young people, healthy in body and spirit, throw themselves at the feet of charlatans claiming to be Gurus and great masters, when the latter are masters of only two things - talking and collecting fabulous sums of money. This, of course, gives them power and enormous pride to see themselves dominating entire crowds of people who submit to them, body and soul. Not long ago, there was even one leader who asked his followers to commit suicide, and they obeyed. Since on Earth they love ‘proof’, there is an excellent one to give them: Universal Law forbids suicide - if this ‘master’ had been genuine, he would have known this. In demanding this sacrifice from them, he presented the greatest proof of his ignorance.

‘Sects and religions are a curse on Earth and when you see that the Pope sets aside millions of francs or dollars for his travel, when he could make do with much less, and use what money is available to help countries suffering from famine, you can not persuade me that it is the word of Christ which directs such actions.

‘There is a passage in your Bible that says: ‘It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Paradise.’

‘The Vatican is certainly the wealthiest church on your planet, and yet the priests have made vows of poverty. They have no fear of being damned, (yet they believe in damnation), because they say it is the Church which is rich, not them. This is really just a play on words since they make up the Church. It’s like the son of a multi-billionaire claiming that he is not rich - only his father is.

‘The Church has not distorted the passage in the Bible relating to wealth. They have used it to their advantage, for isn’t it preferable that the rich grow poorer at the profit of the Church?

‘The young generations on Earth are in the process of self-examination. They have come to a turning point - events have led them to it and I know that they feel alone, more than any younger generation has before them. It isn’t by joining sects or religious groups that they are going to be free of their solitude.

‘First if you want to ‘elevate’ yourself, you must meditate and then concentrate, which is different, although often the two are confused. You do not need to go to a special place, for the greatest and most beautiful temple of man is inside himself. There, he can enter into communication with his Higher Self, by concentration; asking his Higher Self to help him surmount his Earthly, material difficulties. But certain people need to communicate with other human beings, like themselves, and they can meet together for this purpose. Those [13] who are more experienced, will be able to give advice, but no one should ever adopt a position as master.

‘The Master came 2000 years ago - or, rather, I should say ‘one of the masters’, but men crucified him. However, for approximately 300 of your years, the message he brought with him was followed. After that, it was distorted and now, on Earth, you have returned to a point that is worse than that of 2 000 years ago.

‘The young generation of whom I have just spoken, are rising up on your planet and realising, little by little, the truth of many of the things I have been talking about. But they must learn to look inside themselves for their answers. They should not wait for help to come to them from elsewhere, or they will be disappointed.’



Extraordinary journey meeting
extraordinary ‘people’

When Thao finished speaking, I could clearly see that her Aura had become dull. Outside, the rain had stopped; the sun shone on huge white clouds, tinting them blue and pink. The trees, whose branches swayed in a gentle breeze, looked refreshed and a thousand rainbows danced in the droplets of water, which clung to their leaves. The sweet songs of birds, welcoming the sun’s return, blended with the soft musical sound of the insects and the light. That moment was the most magical I had yet encountered. Neither of us felt like talking and we allowed our souls to drink their fill of the beauty around us.

It was the sound of laughter and happy voices that roused us from our peaceful state. Turning around, we saw Biastra, Latoli and Lationusi approaching, each flying with their own Tara.

They landed just in front of the dokos and entered without fuss, large smiles illuminating their faces. We stood up to welcome them and greetings were exchanged in the language of Thiaoouba. I was still able to understand all that was said although I was unable to speak the language. This didn’t seem to matter though, since I had little to say, and, in any case, if I spoke French, those who couldn’t understand my words, understood my message telepathically.

Once refreshed with drinks of hydromel, everyone was ready to leave again. I put my mask on and followed them all outside, where Latoli approached me and attached a Tara around my waist. Then, in my right hand, she placed a Litiolac. I was quite excited at the thought that I was going to be able to fly like a bird. Since the first day I had landed on this planet and seen people fly by this means, I had dreamt of doing the same, but, so much was happening so quickly that, I must say, I didn’t expect the opportunity to arise.

‘Latoli,’ I asked, ‘why is it that you use a Tara and Litiolac to fly, when almost all of you are able to levitate?’

‘Levitation requires great concentration and quite an expenditure of energy, Michel, even for us, and it only allows us to travel at seven kilometres per hour. Levitation is used during certain psychic exercises, but it is a poor means of transport. These apparatus are based on the same principle as levitation in so far as they neutralise what we might call ‘the cold magnetic force’ of the planet. It’s the same force that you call ‘gravity’ and which holds all bodies on the ground.

‘Man, like a piece of rock, is made of matter, but, by neutralising the cold magnetic force by raising certain high frequency vibrations, we become ‘weightless’. Then, in order to move and direct our movement, we introduce vibrations of a different frequency. As you can see, the apparatus that accomplishes this is for us quite simple. This same principle was used by the builders of the pyramids of Mu, Atlantis and Egypt. Thao has already spoken to you of it, but now you will experience for yourself the effect of anti-gravitation.’

‘What speed can be attained with these apparatus?’

‘With this particular one, you can travel at around 300 kilometres per hour and at whatever altitude you choose, but it’s time to get going - the others are waiting.’

‘Do you think I’ll be able to use it properly?’

‘Of course. I will teach you how, and you must pay careful attention when you start. You could have a serious accident if you don’t follow my instructions to the letter.’

Everyone was watching me, however it was Lationusi who seemed most amused by my anxiety. I held my Litiolac firmly in my hand, it’s safety strap attached to my forearm. This meant that if I let go of the Litiolac, it would remain with me.

My throat was dry. I must say, I was not feeling very confident, but Latoli came over to me and put an arm around my waist, assuring me that she would not let go before I had familiarised myself with the apparatus.

She also explained I didn’t need to concern myself with the Tara attached to my waist, but that the Litiolac was to be held firmly. First, one had to pull quite firmly on a large button, which rendered the apparatus useable - a little like turning the ignition key in a car. A tiny light appeared indicating readiness. The Litiolac was rather like a pear in shape. It was held with the base downwards, and its top ended in a mushroom-shaped ‘hat’, no doubt meant to prevent fingers from slipping. The ‘pear’ was grasped around its ‘collar’.

Latoli explained that this Litiolac had been specially made for me, since my hands were about half the size of theirs and I wouldn’t have been able to use a standard model. Besides, it is important that the size of the ‘pear’ be exactly suited to the hand that holds it. It was slightly soft, as though made of rubber, and filled with water.

Instructions received, I gripped the Litiolac so strongly that Latoli had just enough time to grab hold of me before we rose into the air.

We had made a leap of three good metres. The others were around us, stationary in the air at a height of about two metres from the ground and they all burst into laughter at Latoli’s surprise.

‘Careful’, Thao said to her, ‘Michel is a man of action. If you put an apparatus in his hand, he will use it immediately!’

‘If you press the Litiolac as you just did, with a general, even pressure, you will rise vertically. If the pressure is slightly greater with your fingers, you will go left; with your thumb, you will go right. If you want to go down, either release the pressure or, to descend more quickly, you can press on the base with your left hand.’

As she spoke, Latoli had me practise the movements and we had climbed to an altitude of about fifty metres when we heard Thao’s voice. ‘Well done, Michel. You should let him do it alone now, Latoli. He has the idea.’

I would have liked her to keep her thoughts to herself. I didn’t share her opinion at all and I felt much more confident under the protective ‘wing’ of Latoli - and I mean no play on words! She did release me, however, but remained close by and at the same height.

Gently, I released my grip on the Litiolac and ceased climbing. Releasing the pressure further, I began to descend; reassured, I pressed evenly around the ‘collar’ and shot upwards like an arrow - so far, that my fingers froze and I continued to rise.

‘Relax your hand, Michel. Relax your hand,’ shouted Latoli who, in the wink of an eye, had joined me.

Oh! I stopped - or almost, at approximately 200 metres’ altitude, over the ocean, for I had inadvertently pressed more strongly on my ‘frozen’ thumb. The others joined us at our 200 metre high rendezvous. I must have been wearing a strange expression on my face, for even Lationusi burst into laughter, and that was the first time I had seen him do that.

‘Gently, Michel. This apparatus is very sensitive to touch. I think we can go on our way now. We’ll show you the way.’

They moved off slowly, Latoli remaining by my side. We maintained the same altitude. By pressing with the palm of my hand, I advanced smoothly and soon noticed that I was able to accelerate at will, merely by regulating this pressure on the Litiolac. Finger pressure regulated height and direction.

I still made some unexpected swerves, especially when my attention was distracted by three imposing characters who crossed our path. In passing, they threw me a glance, obviously quite astonished at the sight of me.

After a time I judged to be about half an hour, I began to master the machine - at least enough to fly successfully over the ocean. With no obstacles to negotiate, we gradually picked up speed and I was even able to fly in formation beside my companions without straying too often.

It was so exhilarating - I could never have imagined such a sensation. Because the equipment created a kind of force field around me, making me weightless, there was no sensation of being suspended, as there is in a balloon; nor was there the sensation of being carried by wings. Further, being completely surrounded by the force field, I couldn’t even feel wind whipping at my face. I had the impression of being an integral part of the environment, and the more I exercised control over the apparatus, the more pleasure I gained from this new means of locomotion. I wanted to test my control and, so, descended slightly, only to climb again. This I did several times, choosing to gain or lose altitude on the others. Finally, I moved nearer to Thao and telepathically communicated my euphoria, letting her in on my intention of skimming the ocean that stretched, below us, as far as the eye could see.

She agreed and the whole group followed me at water level.

It was absolutely fantastic to be able to skim over the crests of the waves at a speed of approximately 100 kilometres per hour, as if we were all powerful gods, conquerors of gravity. From time to time, silvery flashes indicated that we were flying over schools of fish.

In my excitement, I was not aware of time, but it seemed that the voyage lasted three karses.

No matter which way I turned my head, I saw only the line of the horizon. Then, suddenly, Thao telepathised: ‘Look over there, Michel.’ Far away, on the surface of the water, I was able to make out a speck that grew rapidly to reveal itself as a mountainous island of reasonable size.

We could soon make out enormous rocks, bluish-black in colour, which plunged sharply into the blue-green waters of the ocean. By increasing altitude, we gained a bird’s-eye view of the whole island. There was no beach to be seen, the enormous black rocks prohibiting access from the ocean. The waves crashing into the base of their imposing masses, were iridescent under the sun’s rays, reflecting shimmering colours which contrasted with the uniform black of the basalt.

Half-way up the slopes which faced inland, grew forests of gigantic trees, their foliage strangely dark-blue and gold; their trunks blood-red. These trees covered steep inclines right to the edge of an emerald-green lake. In places, the surface of the lake was obscured by wisps of golden mist.

In the middle of the lake, as though floating on the water, we could make out an enormous doko, its point upwards. I later learned its diameter was about 560 metres.

Its exceptional size was not its only peculiarity however; its colour was another. All the dokos I had seen to date on Thiaoouba were of a whitish colour - even those at the city of the Nine dokos. This one, though, seemed to be made of pure gold. There it was, shining in the sun and, in spite of its very ordinary egg shape, its colour and size rendered it majestic. Something else surprised me greatly: there was no reflection of the doko in the waters of the lake.

My companions led me towards the dome of the gold doko. We flew slowly, at water level and, from this perspective, it was even more impressive. Unlike other dokos, this one had no point of reference to indicate an entrance. I followed Thao and Latoli who soon disappeared inside.

The other two were at my side, each having caught hold of me under an arm so that I wouldn’t fall into the water, for, in my surprise, I had let go of my Litiolac. I was literally stunned by what I saw.

Here is what I discovered inside the doko:

I could see about two hundred people floating in the air with no help from any apparatus. The bodies seemed to be asleep or in deep meditation. The one closest to us floated about six metres above the water, for inside the doko, there was no floor. The bottom section of the ‘egg’ was actually in the water. As I have already explained, once inside a doko you can see outside, as though there were nothing between you and the world outside. So, in this case, I had a panoramic view of the lake, the hills and the forest in the background and, near me in the middle of this ‘landscape’, floated two hundred or so bodies. It was completely astonishing, as you would expect.

My companions were watching me in silence and, unlike other times when my wonder had made them laugh, they remained serious.

Looking more closely at the bodies, I began to notice they were generally smaller than my hosts and some had quite extraordinary - and sometimes monstrous - forms.

‘What are they doing? Are they meditating?’ I whispered to Thao who was at my side.

‘Take your Litiolac, Michel. It’s hanging on your arm.’

I obeyed, and she then, answered my questions. ‘They are dead. These are corpses.’

‘Dead? Since when? Did they all die together? Was there an accident?’

‘Some of them have been here for thousands of years and the most recent, I believe, has been here for sixty years. I think (that)1, in your current state of surprise, you are not going to be able to operate your Litiolac effectively. Latoli and I will guide you.’

Each of them took hold of me under an arm and we began to wander among the bodies. Without exception, they were entirely naked.

Among others, I saw a man sitting in the lotus position. His hair was long and of a red-blond colour. He would have been two metres tall when standing. He had golden skin and his features were remarkably fine for a man - and he was, indeed, a man rather than a hermaphrodite.

A little further away lay a woman, whose skin was coarse like that of a snake, or the bark of a tree. She appeared to be young, although her strange aspect made it difficult to judge her age. Her skin was orange coloured and her short, curly hair was green.

Most surprising though, were her breasts. They were quite large, but each one had two nipples, separated from each other by about ten centimetres. She would have been close to 180 centimetres in height. Her thighs were thin and muscular, and her calves quite short. On each foot were three enormous toes, but her hands were exactly like ours.

We passed from one to another, sometimes stopping, sometimes moving on - as one does among wax figures in a museum.

The eyes and mouths of all these people were closed, and they all occupied one of two positions - either sitting in the lotus position, or lying on their backs with their arms by their sides.

‘Where do they come from?’, I whispered.

‘Various planets.’

We spent some time before the body of a man, apparently in the prime of his ‘life’. He had bright chestnut hair that was long and curly. His hands and feet were like mine. His skin was of a familiar complexion - that of someone from Earth. In height, he would have been around 180 centimetres. His face was smooth, with noble features and there was a soft goatee on his chin.

I turned to Thao whose eyes were fixed on mine. ‘One would say that he came from Earth’, I said.

‘In one sense he did, but in another, he didn’t. You know him well by having heard him spoken of.’

Intrigued, I examined his face more closely, until, telepathically, Thao said, ‘Look at his hands and feet, as well as his side.’

Thao and Latoli brought me closer to the body and I could clearly see scars on his feet and his wrists(1), as well as a gash, approximately 20 centimetres long, in his side.

‘What happened to him?’

‘He was crucified, Michel. This is the body of Christ of whom we spoke this morning.’

(1 - Religious pictures and sculptures depict crucifixion by means of nailing through palms of hands to the cross. According to human anatomy, however, soft tissues between the bones in hands are not strong enough to support the weight of the body on a cross. Nails would simply slip between fingers. In contrast, nails through human wrists are wedged between bones and provide much stronger support. Editor's note)

Fortunately, my hosts had anticipated my reactions and supported me under the arms, for I am convinced that I’d have been unable to manoeuvre my Litiolac.

There I was - staring at the body of Christ, worshiped and spoken of by so many on Earth - the man who had been the subject of so much controversy and so much research during the past 2000 years.

I reached out to touch the body, but was prevented from doing so by my companions, who drew me away.

‘Your name is not Thomas. Why must you touch him? Is there doubt in your mind?’ said Thao. ‘You see, you confirm what I was saying this morning - you seek proof.’

I felt terribly ashamed for having initiated my gesture, and Thao understood my regret.

‘I know, Michel, that it was instinctive and I understand it. In any case, you can’t touch these bodies - no one can, apart from one of the seven Thaori. In fact, it is the Thaori who install these bodies in a state of preservation and levitation, as you see them, and they alone, are capable of doing so.’

‘These are the actual bodies they had during their lives?’

‘Of course.’

‘But how are they preserved? How many of them are there and why?’

‘Do you remember me telling you, when we took you from your planet, that there were questions you would ask to which we would give no answers? I explained then, that you would learn with us all you needed to know, but that certain things would remain a ‘mystery’ because you must not document certain points. The question you have just asked cannot be answered for this very reason. However, I am able to tell you that there are 147 bodies in this doko.’

I knew that it would be futile to inquire further, but as we wandered among the bodies, I asked another burning question:

‘Do you have Moses’ body? And why are they all in levitation in this doko without a solid floor?’

‘We have only the body of Christ from your planet. They are levitated in order to be perfectly preserved, and the properties peculiar to the waters of this lake assist this preservation.’

‘Who are all the others?’

‘They came from various planets where they have each had a very important role to play.’

One of the bodies I remember well. It was about fifty centimetres high and formed exactly like a being from Earth, except that it was dark yellow and had no eyes. Instead, it had a type of horn in the middle of its forehead. I asked how it was able to see and was told that there were two eyes at the end of the protuberance, multi-faceted like the eyes of a fly. I could see the closed eyelid with several splits.

(page 154 Thiaoouba Prophecy book)

‘Nature is very strange,’ I murmured.

‘As I said, each body you see here, comes from a different planet, and it is the conditions in which they must live which determines the details of the physical bodies of the inhabitants.’

‘I don’t see anyone resembling Arki.’

‘And neither will you.’

I didn’t know why, but I ‘felt’ that I should not pursue this topic further.

Throughout this macabre visit, I saw bodies resembling North American Red Indians - but they weren’t. I saw others like black Africans, but they weren’t; nor was it the body of a Japanese that I saw floating in the air. As Thao had said, Christ’s was the only body here that came, if one can say so, from Earth.

After an indeterminate time in this extraordinary and fascinating place, my guides led me outside. A lightly perfumed breeze carrying the scent of the forest caressed us and did me much good, for after such a visit, in spite of it being enormously interesting, I was feeling quite drained. Thao, of course, realised as much and said, in a lively voice, ‘Are you ready, Michel? We are going home.’

These words, spoken intentionally in French and with an intonation distinctly ‘Earthly’, refreshed me at least as much as the evening breeze. Taking hold of my Litiolac, I rose in the air with the others.

We flew over the giant forest that climbed the rocky mountain slope. At its peak, we could, again, admire the ocean that stretched as far as the eye could see. Following a macabre afternoon, and in contrast to it, I found this planet even more beautiful. I remember it occurring to me again, momentarily, that perhaps this was all a dream or an illusion, or that, perhaps, my mind was failing me?

As usual though, Thao was on guard and intervened with a sharp order that resounded telepathically in my head like the crack of a whip, dispelling my vague doubts: ‘If you don’t press your Litiolac, Michel, you will end up taking a bath and, if we don’t hurry, night will overtake us. That might be a little inconvenient for you, don’t you think?’

Indeed, lost in my thoughts, I had descended and almost touched the waves. I pressed my Litiolac firmly and shot up like an arrow, joining Thao and the others who were high in the sky.

The sun was already quite low and the sky was totally clear. The ocean had taken on an orange colour, which was surprising. I never would have imagined water could appear such a shade. Inquiring about it, telepathically, it was explained to me that, sometimes, at this time of day, immense patches of orange coloured plankton would rise to the surface. These waters, it appeared, contained enormous quantities of plankton. What a sight it was: the sky was blue-green, the sea was orange, and everything was enveloped in the golden light which, on this planet, seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere.

Quite suddenly, my companions gained altitude and I followed them. We were about one thousand metres above the sea and accelerated in the direction we’d come from - I guessed north - to about 300 kilometres per hour.

Looking in the direction of the setting sun, I could make out a wide, black band on the water’s surface. I didn’t have to ask about it - the answer came quickly.

‘It is Nuroaka, one of the continents. It’s as big as the whole of Asia.’

‘Are we going to visit it?’ I asked.

Thao didn’t reply, which quite surprised me. It was the first time she had ignored my question. I thought perhaps my telepathic powers had not been sufficient and, so, I asked the question again, in French, raising my voice as I did so.

‘Look over there,’ she said.

Turning my head, I saw a veritable cloud of birds of every colour, about to cross our path. Fearing a collision with them, I descended several hundred metres. They skimmed by me at an incredible speed - but was it they who travelled so fast, or us? I thought perhaps it was our combined speeds that made them disappear so quickly but, just then, something astonished me greatly.

Looking above me, I saw that Thao and the others had not changed their altitude. How was it they hadn’t collided with this winged squadron? Glancing at Thao, I realised she had followed my thoughts - and it occurred to me that the birds had appeared at quite an opportune time - just when I had posed my question.

Accustomed to Thao, I knew that she would have her reasons for ‘ignoring’ me, and I let the matter drop. I decided, instead, to take advantage of this opportunity to fly without wings and I allowed myself to become intoxicated by the colours around me, which gradually changed as the sun sank towards the horizon.

The pastel shades that washed over the sky, were of a majesty quite indescribable with my pen. I thought I had already witnessed all the symphonies of colour possible on this planet and yet I was mistaken. From our altitude, the effect of the colours of the sky, sometimes contrasting with those of the ocean and sometimes complementing them perfectly, was spectacular. How incredible it was that Nature could coordinate such a range of colours, always changing, always beautiful... I felt again, the beginning of the ‘drunkenness’ which had previously caused me to faint, and received the order, brief and clear: ‘Close your eyes immediately, Michel.’

I obeyed, and the sensation of drunkenness dissipated. However, it is not easy to pilot a Litiolac and to remain in formation with closed eyes - especially when one is a novice in the area. Inevitably, I strayed left and right, up and down.

Another order was given, this time less urgent: ‘Watch Lationusi’s back, Michel. Don’t take your eyes off him and watch his wings.’

I opened my eyes to see Lationusi in front of me. Strangely, it did not surprise me at all that he had sprouted black wings and I fixed all my concentration on them. After a time, Thao approached me, saying in French: ‘We’re nearly there, Michel, Follow us.’

I found it equally natural that Lationusi had now lost his wings. I followed the group down towards the ocean, where we could make out, like a jewel on a coloured tablecloth, the island where my doko was situated. We approached rapidly amidst a fantastic blaze of colour as the sun dived into the waves. I had to hurry to my doko. ‘Drunkenness’, caused by the beauty of the colours, threatened to overwhelm me again, and I was obliged to close my eyes partially. We flew now at sea level and, before long, crossed the beach and plunged into the foliage surrounding my doko. My landing, however, was unsuccessful and I found myself inside the doko astride the back of a seat.

Latoli was immediately at my side. She pushed in the button of my Litiolac, asking me if I was all right.

‘Yes, but those colours!’ I stammered.

No one laughed at my little accident and everyone seemed a little sad. It was so unusual for them that I was quite thrown by it. We all sat down and helped ourselves to hydromel and dishes of red and green food.

I was not feeling very hungry. I had taken off my mask and was beginning to feel more like myself again. Night fell quickly, as it does on Thiaoouba and we sat in darkness. I remember wondering over the fact that, while I could barely distinguish each of them, they could see me as easily as if it were daylight.

No one spoke; we sat in silence. Looking up, I could see the stars appearing one by one, shining colourfully as though a firework display had ‘frozen’ in the sky. On Thiaoouba, because their layers of gasses in the atmosphere differ from ours, the stars appear to be coloured and also much larger than they appear to us on Earth.

Suddenly, I broke the silence asking, quite naturally, ‘Where is Earth?’

As if the group had simply been waiting for this question, they all rose together. Latoli took me in her arms like a child and we went outside. The others led the way and we followed a wide path that led to the beach. There, on the moist sand of the shore, Latoli set me down.

Minute by minute, the firmament was illuminated by more stars as though a giant hand was lighting a chandelier.

Thao approached me and almost whispered in a voice that was sad and one I could hardly recognise as hers: ‘do you see those four stars, Michel, just above the horizon? They almost form a square. The one on the top right is green and shinier than the others.’

‘Yes, I think that’s it - yes, it forms a square - the green, yes.’

‘Now go to the right of the square and slightly higher. You will see two red stars quite close together.’


‘Keep your eye on the one on the right and go a tiny bit higher. Can you see a tiny white star? It’s barely visible.’

‘I think so... yes.’

‘And on its left a little higher is a tiny yellow one.’

‘Yes, that’s right.’

‘The tiny white one is the sun which lights up the planet Earth.’

‘So, where is Earth?’

‘Invisible from here, Michel. We are too far away.’

I remained there, staring at that minuscule star which seemed so insignificant in a sky filled with large colourful jewels. That minuscule star, however, was perhaps at that very moment warming my family and my home, making plants germinate and grow...

‘My family’ - the words seemed so strange. ‘Australia’ - from this perspective I had trouble imagining it to be the largest island on my planet, especially when even Earth was invisible to the naked eye. Yet, I’d been told we belonged to the same galaxy, and the Universe comprised thousands of galaxies.

What were we, poor human bodies? Hardly much more than an atom.

chapter 13

Coming back ‘home’

The sheets of galvanised iron on the roof creak under the burning rays of the sun, and even on the verandah, the heat is almost unbearable. I watch the delightful play of light and shadow in the garden and hear the song of the birds as they chase each other across a pale blue sky - and, I am sad.

I have just put the final full stop at the end of the twelfth chapter of this book I was asked to write. The task was not always easy. Often details would escape me and I would spend hours trying to recall certain things which Thao had said, and particular things she wanted me to write. Then, at the moment when I was totally exasperated, it would all come back to me - every detail, as if a voice was dictating the words over my shoulder, and I would write so much I would develop cramps in my hand. For periods of about three hours, sometimes more, sometimes less, images would crowd into my head.

While writing the book, with words jostling each other in my mind, I often wished I had known shorthand - and now, again, the strange sensation is back.

‘Are you there, Thao?’ I would ask, never receiving a reply. ‘Is it one of you? Thao? Biastra? Latoli? Lationusi? I beg you to give me a sign, a sound. Please respond!’

‘You called me?’

I had spoken aloud and my wife had come running. She stood in front of me, watching me closely.


‘You are doing this periodically, aren’t you - talking to yourself. I will be glad when this book is finished and you ‘come back to Earth,’ literally!’

She left. Poor Lina. She certainly has not had an easy time of it, these past months. How must it have been for her? She got up one morning to find me stretched out on the sofa, deathly pale, having difficulty breathing and desperately wanting to sleep. I asked her if she had found my note.

‘Yes,’ she said, ‘but where did you get to?’

‘I know you’re going to find this hard to believe, but I was picked up by extra-terrestrials and taken to their planet. I will tell you everything, but for now, please, just let me sleep for as long as possible. I’ll go to bed now - I stretched out here so as not to wake you.’

‘Your tiredness is not, I suppose, due to some other reason?’ Her tone was bitter-sweet and I could sense her concern. However, she let me sleep and it was a good thirty-six hours before I opened an eye. I woke to find Lina bending over me, with the anxious air of a nurse watching someone gravely ill.

‘How are you?’ she asked. ‘I very nearly called the doctor. I haven’t known you to sleep for so long without once stirring - and yet you were dreaming and calling out in your sleep. Who is the ‘Arki’ or ‘Aki’ you mentioned? And ‘Thao’? Are you going to tell me?’

I smiled at her and kissed her. ‘I’m going to tell you everything.’ It occurred to me then, that thousands of husbands and wives must say that very same sentence, having no intention whatsoever of explaining ‘everything’. I wished I’d said something a little less vulgar and common.

‘Yes, I’m listening.’

‘Good, and you must listen carefully, for what I have to say is serious - very serious. But I don’t want to tell the same story twice. Call our son in, so I can tell you both.’


Three hours later, I had largely finished my account of the extraordinary adventure I’d had. Lina, who is the least credulous member of the family when it comes to such matters, had detected, by certain expressions and certain intonations in my voice, that something really serious had happened to me. When one lives twenty seven years with a person, some things cannot be misunderstood.

I was besieged with questions, especially from my son, for he has always believed in the existence of other planets inhabited by intelligent beings.

‘Do you have proof?’ asked Lina. I was reminded of Thao’s words - ‘They seek proof, Michel, and always more proof.’ I was a little disappointed the question came from my own wife.

‘No, none, but when you read the book that I must write, you will know that I tell the truth. You won’t have to ‘believe’ - you will know.’

‘Can you imagine me telling my friends: ‘My husband has just come back from the planet Thiaoouba’?’

I asked her to speak of the matter to no one, since my orders were not to speak, but first to write. I felt it was better that way, in any case, because words can be lost in the breeze whereas what is written, remains.

The days and months passed by and now the book is finished. All that remains to be done is to publish it. On this subject, Thao had assured me there would be few problems. This was in response to a question I had asked in the spacecraft on our return to Earth.

The ‘spacecraft’ - how many things that word brings to mind...

That last evening, on the beach, Thao had pointed out the minuscule star that is the sun that now made me perspire. We had then taken the flying platform and headed for the space base - quickly and without a word being spoken. A spaceship, prepared for immediate departure, awaited us. During our brief journey to the base, I had observed in the darkness, that the Auras of my companions were not shining as brilliantly as usual. The colours were more subdued and stayed closer to their bodies. This surprised me, but I said nothing.

When we boarded the spacecraft, I assumed we were going on a trip, perhaps with a specific mission, to a nearby planet. Thao had told me nothing.

Our take off went according to normal procedures and was uneventful. I watched as the golden planet became rapidly smaller, presuming I’d be returning in a few hours time - or perhaps the next day. Several hours had elapsed before Thao finally addressed me again.

‘Michel, I know you have noticed our sadness. It is very real, for there are certain partings that are sadder than others. My companions and I have become very attached to you and, if we are sad, it is because, at the end of this journey, we must part. We are taking you back to your planet.’

Again, I felt a twinge in the side of my stomach.

‘I hope you won’t hold it against us that we left so quickly. We did so to spare you the regrets one always has when one leaves a place one is fond of - and I know you are enormously fond of our planet, and our company. It’s hard not to think, ‘this is my last night’ or ‘this is the last time I will see this or that’.’

I looked down and had absolutely nothing to say. We sat together in silence for some time. I felt heavy, as though my limbs and organs were weighted. I turned my head slowly towards Thao, looking at her surreptitiously. She seemed even sadder and something different was missing. Suddenly, I knew - it was her Aura.

‘Thao, what’s happening to me? I can’t see your Aura any more.’

‘It’s normal, Michel. The great Thaori gave you your two gifts - the ability to see Auras and understand languages, to serve as tools in your learning, but only for a limited time.

‘This time has just elapsed, but don’t be saddened by the fact; after all, these are gifts you didn’t have when you first joined us. What you do take back is knowledge that you and millions of your fellow beings can profit from.

‘Isn’t that more important than understanding languages or being able to see Auras when you aren’t able to read them? It is the reading of Auras that counts, after all - not the perceiving of them.’

I accepted her reasoning, but was disappointed nonetheless, for I had soon become accustomed to the radiance around these people.

‘Don’t be sorry, Michel,’ said Thao, reading my thoughts. ‘On your planet, most people don’t have radiant Auras - far from it. The thoughts and concerns of millions of Earthlings are so closely related to material matters, that their Auras are quite dull; you’d have been disappointed.’

I looked at her closely; very conscious of the fact that soon I would see her no more. In spite of her large size, she was so well proportioned; her pleasant pretty face was without a wrinkle; her mouth, her nose, her eyebrows - all were perfect. Suddenly, the question that had been brewing in my subconscious mind for so long sprung to mind almost involuntarily.

‘Thao, is there a reason for you all being hermaphrodites?’

‘Yes, and it is important, Michel. I was surprised you didn’t ask that question sooner.

‘You see, as we exist on a superior planet, all we have that is material, is also superior, as you have seen for yourself. Our various bodies, including the physical body, must also be superior, and in this domain, we have progressed as far as it is possible to progress. We can regenerate our bodies, prevent them from dying, resuscitate them and even, sometimes, create them. But in a physical body, there are other bodies, such as the astral - indeed, there are nine altogether. Those which interest us at the moment are the fluidic body and the physiological body. The fluidic body influences the physiological body which, in turn, influences the physical body.

‘In the fluidic body, you possess six principal points which we call Karolas and which the yogis on your planet call Chakras. The first Chakra is the one situated between your two eyes, just a centimetre and a half above your nose. It’s the ‘brain’ of your fluidic body, if you like; it corresponds to the pineal gland, which is placed much further back in your physical brain but on exactly the same level. It was by placing a finger on this Chakra that one of the Thaori was able to liberate in you the gift of understanding languages.

‘Now, at the bottom of the fluidic body and just above the sex organs, is found a very important Chakra, which we call the Mouladhara, 1 and which your yogis call Sacred. Above this Chakra, and meeting the spinal column, is the Palantius.2

‘It is in the form of a coiled spring and only reaches the base of the spinal column when it is relaxed.

‘For it to become relaxed, it requires the accomplishment of the sexual act between two partners who must not only love one another, but also have a spiritual affinity between them. Only at that moment and under these conditions will the Palantius extend to the spinal column, transferring an energy and special gifts to the physiological body which then affects the physical body. The person concerned will experience happiness in sexual enjoyment that is far greater than normal.

‘When, on your planet, you hear such expressions among people very much in love as: ‘we were in seventh heaven’, ‘we felt light’, or ‘we were floating on air’, you can be sure the couples were in physical and spiritual accord and ‘made for one another’ - at least for a while.

‘Certain Tantrists on Earth have attained this point, but it isn’t common among them, for still their religions, with ridiculous rituals and prohibitions, create a real obstacle to attaining this goal. When they look at the forest, they don’t see the trees.

‘Let’s go back to our loving couple: The man has experienced great pleasure transformed into beneficial vibrations for the Palantius, thanks to a love which is genuine, and absolute compatibility. All these sensations of happiness were released by the accomplishment of the sexual act. The sensations of happiness are not the same with the female, but the process is the same with her.

‘Now, to answer your question. On our planet, with bodies that are both male and female, we can achieve, at will, the sensations, both male and female. Of course, this brings us a much greater range of sexual pleasure than if we were mono-sexual. Further, our fluidic body can be at its best. Our appearance is, needless to say, more feminine than masculine -at least where our faces and breasts are concerned. Don’t you agree, Michel, that, as a general rule, a woman has a prettier face than a man? Well, we prefer to have faces that are pretty, rather than unattractive.’

‘What do you think of homosexuality?’

‘The homosexual, female as well as male, is a neurotic (when it is not a matter of hormones) and neurotics can’t be condemned but, like all neurotics, they should seek treatment. In all things, Michel, consider what Nature has decreed and you will have the answers to your questions.

‘Nature gave every living thing the possibility of reproduction, (so)1 that various species might continue. According to the Creator’s will, males and females have been created in all species. With human beings, however, and for the reasons we have already explained, he added features not given to other species. For example, a woman can bloom in sexual fulfilment, achieving a range of sexual sensations that can release the Palantius and bring about vast improvements in her physical body by way of the fluidic body.
