








 アメリカの空軍が予算獲得の為に1996年に製作したと云うスケジ-ルですが、その中 「2009年インフル世界的大流行」の予定表があったので、話題になっているようです。
この報告の研究は 米空軍大学(Air University)に依頼して制作したものであるようである。
問題は 奴らの組織の一部である「米空軍大学」が製作したものであると考えられるから極めて信憑性のある内容ということになります。
今年2009年は 残り6、7、8、9、10、11、12月がありますので、トン・インフルエンザは弱度毒性とやらで一息はいっていますが、強毒性が今年の秋頃には発生することが噂されています。
現段階では 奴らの計画の「3億3000万人が感染、3000万人以上が死亡する」迄至っていませんので、これから強毒性のインフルエンザを投入することを覚悟しておかなければならないと思われます。
 もし、この計画の一割を日本が受け付けるとなると 「日本国民の3300万人が感染、300万人以上が死亡する」となりますので、今の日本政府の予測は 甘いようです。
こからは 特別な注意をする必要がありそうです。)
あなたは 分かりますか?
この報告は 2025年までの主な計画ですから、全体の流れを再吟味する必要がありそうです。


●1996:Social unrest increases;20 nations have WMD  
社会的不安は増加します; 20の国はWMD: Words of mass dissemination" 大量破壊兵器を持っています
●2000:Genetics yield abundant food  
●2009:Influenza kills 30 million
●2010:Regional conflicts increase -UN dissolves
●2012:Wall Street Super-HERF attack
ウォール街は 超高エネルギ-電波兵器の攻撃をうける。
●2015:48 actors have WMD --some use Words of mass dissemination" 48人の指導者・役者・独裁者・俳優は、WMD: 大量破壊兵器を持っています-そして いくらか使用します。
●2020:Space exploitation Underwater Settlements
●2035:Most actors have WMD World pop:8 billion Words of mass dissemination


2.<U.S. Air Force Study Proposed 2009 Influenza Pandemic in 1996>
4.<U.S. Air Force Study Proposed 2009 Influenza Pandemic in 1996>
5。<WMD: Words of mass dissemination" 大量破壊兵器>



投稿者 馬鹿まるだし
日時 2009 年 6 月 07 日 20:06:42: XrXUVCoFJUfoI

Technology could not solve some old problems, as in 2009, when an influenzapandemic struck in southern China, then rapidly spread worldwide. Threehundred-thirty million people were affected and over thirty million died. Noone ever determined if the virus was a natural mutation or bioengineered.Many feared the latter.2009
Source: http://www.fas.org/spp/military/docops/

http://news.searchina.ne.jp/disp.cgi?y=2009&d=0501&! f=business_0501_056.shtmlU.S.

Air Force Study Proposed 2009 Influenza Pandemic in 1996


<U.S. Air Force Study Proposed 2009 Influenza Pandemic in 1996>




1 これらのすさまじい技術革新は多くの驚くべき発明を生みました。たとえば同時に複数のことが出来る個人用の装置を発明しました。例えば時計型電話や電話会議の出来る装置などでした。

2  毎日のスケジュールを管理して、すべき仕事をリストアップしました。

3 GPSにより位置を示し、高度を示しました。デジタルは、エアロビックスの状況や栄養状態や感情値などを示しました。

4 しかしあまりにも変化が激しいので多くの伝統的な習慣は消滅していきました。休日の多くは無視されました。

5 技術革新は反対効果も同様にもたらします。技術革新が解決したのと同様の問題も出てきました。

6 例えば技術は肉体に対して有害な精神的副作用ももたらしました。 ほとんどの人々は三十代半ばまでに、少なくとも一つは器官を移植されねばならなくなりました。幸いにして生物工学の進歩により多くの医学症状は正常化しました。

7 しかし技術の拡散によって世界は、暴力に晒されるようになりました。いくらかの技術によりそれらの幾らかは排除することができました。

5  2002年までにますます増える植物や動物の遺伝子工学の技術革新によって食料増産が可能になりました。


16 飢饉がしばしば起こってきた第三世界において 死亡率の減少によって人口の爆発的増加が生まれました。しかし、技術革新によってもデジタルの古い問題を解決できませんでした。2009年にはインフルエンザパンデミックが中国南部で発生し、それが世界中に蔓延しました。

17  3億3千万の人々が感染し、3千万が死亡しました。

18 だれもそのウイルスが 自然変異のものかバイオ工学によって作られたものか断定できませんでした。

19 多くの人々は、そのウイルスは、バイオ工学によって生み出されたものではないかと恐れました。

第二、第三世界から無職の大量の移民が2.3の富裕国へのやってくることにおそれが抱かれました。 2010年までに国連はこれらの問題や地域紛争を解決できないため解散することになりました。

20 その結果空白が生まれ、多数のセキュリティシステムが国々に導入され、セキュリティ企業は繁栄しました。2012年にはウオールストリートはハイパワー無線周波数兵器(HERF)で攻撃されすべての金融データベースが破壊されました。

21 高度な情報戦が世界中で可能になるので原因究明のために沢山の国が調査されましたが、そのハイパワー無線周波数兵器の発生源を追求することは不可能でした。 米国経済は、データベースを再構築する間、数週間にわたって混迷を極めました。そして、実業界はこれ以上の攻撃を防ぐために連合して防衛の要求をしました。

22  2015年までに48の関係者が大量破壊のいくつかの教室とそれらの兵器の配備システムを持ちました。

23 核や化学やバイオや情報の武器が一般的になりました。北アフリカの地域戦争において戦術核が使用され数千人が死亡しました。

24 世界は2020年までにニューフロンティアを目指して拡大しました。宇宙旅行が一般的となりそれと共に植民地ができました。そして多国籍企業が太陽系の資源を開拓するために宇宙に生産設備を作りました。

25 しかし宇宙資源は開拓の目標となりそれを守るために重装備の防衛施設が必要になりました。

26 水中に出来る居住施設は2020年代初期には水熱の通気口が必要な鉱山採掘施設にあわせて同型タイプとなりました。

27 2025年には宇宙施設は多くのチャレンジをしました。ほとんどいかなる個人もグループも大量破壊の武器を保有しました。そこでこの世界ではこの大量破壊の武器が常にいくつかある脅威の一つとなります。情報の入手が容易になり高度なテクノロジーが利用可能なのでこの世界では権力が拡散していくことになりました。 国の価値の重要性が薄れました。一方では、個人や小さいグループが世界の出来事に大きな影響力を持つようになりました。皆が世界に繋がるネットを通じて通信しました。そして買い物さえ地球全体を検索して電子的になされした。個人は一国に住むことが出来ました、オンラインを通じて世界企業で働くことができました。

28 テロリストの不安により恐怖が日常的となりました。



大量破壊兵器の脅威としてグローバル不安定増加を保持下では情報のシステムおよび人口risk.31保護、核大量破壊兵器の主要問題ではないデジタル不協和音です。 1次問題は伝統的な"貧乏人の核兵器は"化学生物毒素は容易この世界で生産されるです。情報網にも大量の武器を破壊する(ときには大量破壊兵器)という脆弱性があります。
政府や民間活動団体の役割は常に、自分たちの権力は大きく変わっていると減少した。世界の紛争地域と政府に焦点を当てて民間の組織( NGOの)の災害救援業務における役割を増やすください。国連のできない大量の移民数々の試みと地域と地球conflicts.33ない国家電力制御に世界のイベントで左、役者を維持するとペースが常に変化セキュリティアレンジを残している2国間と多国間による解決への空中分解変化する脅威に。北大西洋条約機構はまだ、国間で法的保障協定の交渉官の役割を中心に容易になった降格存在します。

デジタル不協和音に米国家安保戦略の2つであり、最初に展開を抑止と米国の市民に対する敵対行動を弁護する、企業やプロパティ大量破壊兵器を使用含むように、そして第二に、オープン電子情報流れを確実にできます。ほとんどの米国人と強い絆で結ばの情報をネットワーク経由で世界中に興味があります。これらの利益をしばしばテロリストのターゲットに設定されるなど米国民は軍事これらの利益を守るすべき、かどうかは商品サービス装置、テリトリーや職員が感じる。軍の任意の場所、世界ですべての既知の不慮に備えております。彼らcounterdetection侵攻、テロ対策により、大量破壊兵器を抑止に指示され、国家安保戦略counterproliferation strategies.34各国とグループでも、無料でオープンな電子通商の施行の対処します。特別に訓練され、軍もこのミッションのための情報をネットワークを備え、常にほぼすべてモニタ

その世界で、個人や非常に大きなものの結果に影響を与える可能です偉大なパワーを保持できます。は完全にネットに依存する関数がありますしかし、インターネットのみで、単一エンティティとして独立いただけます。偽ものの電子の寿命は一般的夢の魅力が" "を抜くためにしばらく委ねられるだけです。 。。しかし、最新の情報を紛失したという考えも更新気力を失われます。人々は自由information.35心理学者はネット上で通信するが、多くなっ isolationistsも、コミュニケーションを顔に直面するできません" infolepsis "頻繁かつ負えない願望神経症として分類さの条件がある。純人の存在の中心になるがあります。 "当期純- vangelism 、 "インターネット伝道師か、説得力の支配を形成、等しく、他のメディアになった形で競っ。しばしば世論を左右する提案について、政府の政策を使用します。

Exponentialn DTeK現世でキードライバー、世界の俳優の制御を超えて加速します。技術の進歩大量兵器を破壊できる状態にアクセスするなど、意図せざる結果、頻繁に結果社会、グローバルネットワークに依存する、そのサービスに、しばしば混乱でもダメージを与えるよりは物理attack.37ている
入賞商品情報が、しばしばバーターに、希薄化後になるが、通常の権力構造として使用します。とくに、フィルタリングと情報のほとんど全ての組織とふるいかすindividual.38情報の焦点となるが力と制御等しい情報のメインデータベースから明確な課題や廃棄物に汚染されふるいかす製品望ましくない情報と不要になったなど、 。 、個性的な自己適応フィルタ情報の最前線で市場の需要があります。フィルターも" cyberagentsは"うろつく人はネットを警戒。 Cyberagents深くにサイバースペース、情報を盗み、破壊とファイル変更を検出するフィルタ潜入。からフィルタ、検出から身を守ることができませんまた、全ての" "汚染や誤った情報、個人receiving.39され、それらの情報を信頼が失わている お客様が強制的に底時代の革新研究開発、顧客のニーズと企業個人の満足を得意残る必要がある。最も重要ないくつかの進歩の医療field.40ている例えば、ほとんど検出され、生まれた時知ら病治療、反老化の製品やサービスの寿命時代の100年間保証超えると遺伝的マッピング研究検討できますオルガンに代わるdisease.41する外来手術の根底にある原因としては7日で回復に10時間演じられます。手足交換患者4から6週のリハビリを完了します。しばしば、これらの兵士や損傷治癒できる日間で業務の領域に、他の再生医療の進歩高軍事作戦のテンポを維持する、ができます。非医学的進歩、新材料の超分子的レベル、大部分のハードウェアデバイス、 43ほとんど国内tasks.44やロボットの製造技術ではなく、軍事大きく民間自らニッチ研究費の進展に依存するのための42微細化で設計の開発など 45 、すばやく適応と今後の競争を維持するのは新技術搭載。
個人の屋敷から一日一日の活動を中心に、大部分の家庭に直接サービス提供します。インスタンスの場合、プライマリおよび品質教育net.46に教育この"民主" 90 %以上に入手可能です二次世界コンピュータ識字率もたらしました、ほとんど個人カレッジ等価度だ。全体のための相互接続され、仮想、情報技術だけ電力以上、また喜びを使用すると知的履行のためである。例個人の安全を懸念ために、大半を使用する" "生物学的にフィルタリングの安全や快適に本籍のスポーツや休暇を楽しめるセンサラウンドシステム。生化学的および電子のセンサラウンドシステムを合計仮想直接体験を提供するシリーズ、より生活そのものを刺激です。センサーを身体にくくりされ、実際に何か起こっているスポーツ分野に感じることができる一方、アルプススキーを気まぐれで"位置"のスイッチング。

の横行DTeK自然デジタル不協和音に、意図しないカオスエフェクトにつながります。予期せぬ問題が大きな問題とは予想外の増殖ベクタの急速な技術と革新的な飛躍スピンオフによる管理です。その結果、世界の" 256 -色"の世界、緑の部分と、部品、茶色され、他の"色の"キャンバスのちょうどスプラッシュ特徴です。色があまりに多く、ほとんど人工的です。も、みんなこの世界では声ており、平和とはあなたの声が四方八方から来る静か見つけにくい。
技術は一日で保育環境への偉大な飛躍した。大気や水の中家の住居の安全を守るフィルタであり、全てのゴミをリサイクル産業廃棄物ほぼ eliminated.50世界水ているも、 51リサイクルです。人と動物の数々の電子デバイス、 52は本問題は治療医学の進歩したから臓器不全極限により、電磁波を患う。エネルギー資源風力、太陽、 53潮汐など再生可能な資源に大きな信頼を波エネルギーと、 54と同様原子力fusion.55を拡大豊富です

技術製品の成長世界の国内総加速した。インスタンスの場合、 39ドルの米国GDPはtrillion.56に従って、連邦政府の予算簡単さ三千億ドル1995ドル以上に防衛費の上昇にもできている(参照過去30毎年、年間で6 %の平均上昇しましたイチジク。 5-3 )が米国の対GDP比で1 %未満を表す一量近代化に特に軍事予算は現在60 %の総予算国防総省の試みの脅威とたちまち滞在への上昇です。陳腐化の再発の問題、そしていくつかのシステム'か月以内で測ら寿命があります。国防予算かかわらず、大量破壊兵器と情報破壊システム、アクセスできる状態に重大な脅威のための全ての方向からアメリカ市民の総合セキュリティ削減増えた。 言語の入れ替え

Chapter 5 

Digital Cacophony

Imagine a world completely enmeshed in technology. Technological advancesare rampant and the world struggles with rapid change and its effects.

1 These tremendous advances in technology have led to the development of manyastonishing inventions, such as an individual device that can perform amyriad of simultaneous functions. For instance, a watch phone can be used toconduct video-phone calls and teleconferences;

2 monitor a daily schedule,including required tasks and to-do lists;

3 display global positioning satellite (GPS) location to include altitude; and even monitor aerobicconditioning, energy, nutrition rates, emotional state, and the status of artificial organs.

4 However, many traditional customs and events have fadedaway, erased by the extreme rate of change. Most holidays are overlooked,and Julian dates

5 are the norm.Technological progress has led to adverse effects as well, creating almostas many problems as it has solved.

6 For example, technology has producedsome harmful physiological side effects for the human body, causing mosthumans to have at least one transplanted organ by the time they are in theirmid-thirties. Fortunately, advances in biotechnology rectify many medical conditions.

7 The proliferation of technology has made the world more susceptible to random violence but also has provided the means to avoid somethreats. For instance, since technology provides virtual experiences betterthan anything live, and large crowds present a target of opportunity toterrorists and disgruntled groups, nearly all sporting events, plays, shows,and theater events are "experienced" at home.

8 This world is entitled Digital Cacophony, due to its often discordant nature. Of the six alternate futures, this world is by far the most advancedin DTeK and offers the greatest promise of wealth and power for theindividual. On the other hand, it is also the most dangerous for both individuals and states. Figure 5-1 illustrates Digital Cacophony's positionin the strategic planning space.Figure 5-1. Strategic Planning Space for Digital CacophonyIn this world, technology has empowered many individuals, but at the same time disenfranchised numerous governments and organizations. Due to theExponentialn proliferation of DTeK, everyone has instant access to globalnetworking and the burgeoning, almost omniscient, database system.

9 Unparalleled DTeK development has sparked explosive economic growth acrossthe planet. However, those who do not fully share in the wealth of theseventures use technology to terrorize the elites, using weapons of both aninsidious and overt nature. Nation-states have lost vitality as independententities since information and wealth cross international boundaries withimpunity.

10 Electronic democra cies are the political system of choice, witheveryone having a direct vote on every issue.

11 This creates "fuzzy states"with shifting policies at times. Life in this world is full of promise . . .but this is also a world of fear.Plausible History  In the world of Digital Cacophony, technology brings people together, but also tears them apart. As seen in figure 5-2, the year 2000 was a benchmark in many ways. For the first time, the world was "wired," and anyone could gain access to worldwide information.

12 This development exacerbated socialunrest globally as have-nots learned how little they had compared to the well off.

13 Meanwhile, nuclear proliferation continued unabated, spreading to 20 states.

14 International politics, overwhelmed by transparentinformation borders, could not control the spread of nuclear technology andmaterials.

15 By 2002, ever-increasing technological breakthroughs in the genetic engineering of plants and animals led to an abundant food productioncapability,

16 spurring population growth as a result of declining mortalityrates in third world countries which previously suffered recurring famine.Technology could not solve some old problems, as in 2009, when an influenza pandemic struck in southern China, then rapidly spread worldwide.

17 Three hundred-thirty million people were affected and over thirty million died.

18 No one ever determined if the virus was a natural mutation orbioengineered.

19 Many feared the latter.Figure 5-2. Plausible History for Digital CacophonyThe threatened migration of unemployed masses from second- and third-worldcountries continued to challenge the few wealthy states. By 2010 the UnitedNations dissolved due to its inability to resolve these issues and regionalconflicts.

20 In the resulting vacuum, bilateral and multilateral securityarrangements between nation-states and interest groups flourished.In 2012, Wall Street was hit with a super high energy radio frequency (HERF)wave, which destroyed all financial databases.

21 Since advanced informationwarfare capability was available worldwide, a number of competitor stateswere investigated, but tracing the source was impossible. The US economy wasin turmoil for weeks during database reconstruction, and businesses demandedfederal action to prevent further attacks.

22 By 2015, 48 actors had acquired several classes of weapons of mass destruction and the accompanying delivery systems.

23 Threats of conflictsinvolving nuclear, chemical, biological, and information weapons becamecommon. During the North African territorial war, a tactical nucleardetonation killed thousands of people.

24 The world began an expansion into new frontiers by 2020. Space travel with accompanying outposts became common, and many multinational corporationsestablished production facilities in space to exploit the solar system'sresources.

25 However, space assets also became a target and required heavyprotection.

26 Underwater settlements were also prototyped during the early2020s to support mining operations of hydrothermal vents.

27 Many challenges face this world in 2025. Almost any individual or group can acquire weapons of mass destruction or disruption, and threats are one ofthe few constant things in this world.The Nature of ActorsThe ubiquity of information and the affordable nature of high technologyhave led to a dispersal of power in this world. Nation-states have becomeless important, while individuals and small groups can now have tremendousimpact on world events. Everyone communicates via the global net, even usingit to do all their shopping by electronically hopping around the globe.Individuals can live in one country and work for an MNC in another country"on-line."

28 Continuous terrorist threats have caused an ever-present fear, and individuals prefer not to leave the security of their dwelling, let alone meet in large groups. Seemingly, only those individuals who are either overtly adventurous or covertly claustrophobic join organizations such as  the active military, which entails much travel and danger. Others interested in serving do so on-line in the reserves. In Digital Cacophony, individuals demand direct input regarding political decisions, and the government has become a virtual location, or fuzzy state,rather than being confined to capitals such as Washington, D.C. Mostdemocratic countries now operate on versions of the "netocracy," or electronic democracy standard. This system allows constituents to voice their opinion and vote on every issue. The netocracy antiquated the traditional three-party political system and relies solely on electronic interaction. MNCs also gain influence, profiting from the proliferation in commercially derived, advanced technology. Nation-states cannot control the transfer of wealth and information among internal and external groups, and as a result,state sovereignty declines.

29 However, people still look to their nationalgovernment and military to provide national security and ensure conditionsconducive to economic prosperity.

30 Nature of International Politics Global instability increases as the threat of WMD holds under-protecte dinformation systems and populations at risk.

31 However, nuclear WMD are not the primary problem in Digital Cacophony. The primary problems are the traditional "poor man's nuclear weapons," chemical and biological toxins,which are readily produced in this world. Information nets are also vulnerable to weapons of mass disruption (sometimes called WMd).Cross-linked alliances, nation-state combines, religious factions, MNCs, orother actors multiply in an attempt to enhance security against numerousthreats. Paradoxically, these multilayered links combine with economicinterdependencies to create complex and unexpected interactions withoutcomes no one can predict, effectively making the world more dangerous.

32 The growing power of individuals and groups (reflecting the dispersal of power in Digital Cacophony), along with increasing population pressures,increases the number of conflicts. Every minor conflict has the potential toexplode into a major regional war with the use of WMD and information disruption weapons. Millions have already died as a consequence of biological and chemical attacks.The roles of governmental and nongovernmental organizations are constantly changing, and their power has decreased drastically. As governments focus onregional and global conflicts, nongovernmental organizations (NGO) mustincrease their role in disaster relief operations. The UN disintegrated due to its inability to resolve massive immigration attempts and numerousregional and global conflicts.

33 There is no nation-state left with thepower to control world events, leaving bilateral and multilateral securityarrangements which shift constantly as actors try to keep pace with changing threats. NATO still exists, but has become trivial, relegated primarily to the role of a legal secretary between countries negotiating security arrangements.The Nature of US National Security Strategy The US national security strategy in Digital Cacophony is two-fold, first todeter and defend against hostile actions against US citizens, companies, and property, to include the use of WMD; and second, to ensure open electronicinformation flows. Most Americans have strong ties and interests around the globe via information networks. These interests are often targeted by terrorists; and US citizens feel the military should protect the seinterests, whether they be goods, services, equipment, territory, orpersonnel. The military is equipped to meet all known contingencies at any location worldwide. They are directed to deter WMD through aggressive counter detection, counter terrorism, and counter proliferation strategies.

34 The national security strategy also addresses the enforcement of free and open electronic trade throughout all nations and groups. The military is well trained and specially equipped for this mission and constantly monitors nearly all information networks. The Nature of Humanity In this world, individuals can hold great power and are able to affect the outcome of a great many things. However, they are only independent as asingle entity on the internet, as they are totally reliant on the net to function. Despite the allure of the electronic faux-life, a common dream isto "unplug" and be left alone for awhile . . . but the thought of missingthe latest info-update is too enervating. Psychologists have categorizedthis neurosis as "infolepsis," a condition of frequent and uncontrollabledesire for information.

35 People communicate freely on the net, but many have also become isolationists, unable to communicate face-to-face. The net has become the center of people's existence. "Net-vangelism," or internet evangelism, has become a dominant form of persuasion, competing equally withother media forms. It is often used to sway public opinion regarding proposed government policies.Due to the rapidly changing political and technological environment, most people suffer from high levels of anxiety. Many cannot cope or are uncomfortable with Exponentialn change and its apparently unknowableimpacts. Sometimes even those comfortable with technology find themselvestemporarily on the outside looking in. For example, disgruntled soft ware engineers who are replaced by artificial intelligence are able totemporarily disrupt portions of the information net, causing havoc in thetransportation network.

36 The Nature of Technology Exponentialn DTeK is the key driver in this world, accelerating beyond the control of world actors. Technological advances often result in unintended consequences, such as ready access to weapons of mass disruption. In asociety dependent on the global network, a disruption to that service is often more damaging than a physical attack.

37 Information is a prized commodity, often used to barter, as normal powerstructures have become diluted. In particular, the filtering and sifting ofinformation becomes the focus of almost every organization and individual.

38 Information equals power and control, but the main information challenge issifting through databases to clear contaminants and waste by-products, such as unwanted and unneeded information. Personalized, self-adaptinginformation filters are at the forefront of market demand. Filters alsoguard against "cyberagents," who prowl the net. Cyberagents infiltrate deep into cyberspace to detect, alter, steal, and destroy information filters andfiles. Since filters cannot protect against, nor detect, all "tainted" orfalse information, individuals have lost confidence in the information they are receiving.

39 Customers force innovations in a bottom-up research and development era, andcompanies must remain adept at satisfying individual customer needs. Some ofthe most significant advances have been in the medical field.

40 For example,most known diseases are detected and treated at birth; anti-aging productsand services ensure a life expectancy exceeding 100 years of age; and genetic mapping allows researchers to examine the underlying causes of disease.

41 Organ replacements are now performed as outpatient surgery, with a seven-to-ten day recovery time. Limb replacement patients completerehabilitation in four to six weeks. These and other medical advances helpsustain a high military operations tempo, as damaged soldiers can often behealed and recycled to the zone of operations in days. Nonmedical advancesinclude the development of new super materials designed at the molecularlevel,

42 miniaturization of most hardware devices,

43 and robots for mostdomestic and manufacturing tasks.

44 The military relies heavily on advancesin civilian technologies rather than funding their own niche research,

45 andquickly adapts and incorporates any new technology to keep ahead of thecompetition.Since personal residences are the focus of all day-to-day activities, mostservices are provided directly to the home. For instance, quality primaryand secondary education is available on the net.

46 This "democratization" of education has brought the world computer literacy rate to over 90 percent,and most individuals have college-equivalent degrees. Because interconnectivity is total and virtual, information technology is used formore than just power; it is also used for pleasure and intellectualfulfillment. For exampl e, due to personal safety concerns, the majority use"sensurround systems" to enjoy sporting activities, or take vacations in thesafety and comfort of their biologically filtered domicile. Sensurround is aseries of biochemical and electronic systems providing a total virtualfirsthand experience, more stimulating than life itself. Sensors arestrapped onto the body and one can actually feel what is happening on thesport fields or while skiing the Alps, switching "locations" at a whim.The Nature of the Environment The rampant nature of DTeK leads to unintended chaotic effects in Digital Cacophony. A major concern is managing the unanticipated outgrowth of problems and unforeseen vectors spun off by the rapid and revolutionaryleaps in technology. Consequently, this world is characterized as a"256-color" world; parts are green, parts are brown, and other "colors" just splash across the canvas. There are too many colors, and most areartificial. Also, everyone has a voice in this world, and it is difficult tofind peace and quiet with those voices coming at you from every direction.Unanticipated problems are an unfortunate outgrowth from this world, andcontrols are often not established in a timely manner commensurate with the dangers of technological developments. For instance, easy access totechnology and materials caused a rapid spread of WMD. Another unintended consequence was when biogenetic diseases, developed for military andcommercial use, escaped to the open environment. Information weapons of massdisruption also exist, and filter industries must devote ever greaterresources to the problem of viruses that have escaped from informationwarfare centers.

47 Some viruses evolve and are rarely detectable, existingas "stealth" viruses of unknown motivation, origin, or destination.

48 The terrorist threat has reversed the trend toward urbanization as peoplehave scattered across the globe. Technology makes living just about anywherefeasible. Many live underground for additional protection and environmentalaesthetics. Underwater settlements are beginning to flourish in support ofthe various mining operations and food production sites.

49 Technology has made great leaps in the day-to-day care of the environment.All trash is recycled and industrial waste has almost been eliminated.

50 Water is also recycled worldwide,

51 while air and water filters keep homed wellings safe. People and animals suffer from organ failure due to theextreme electromagnetic radiation from the numerous electronic devices,

52 but medical advances have made this problem treatable. Energy resources areplentiful, with substantial reliance on renewable resources such as wind,solar,

53 tidal, and wave energy,

54 as well as the expanded use of nuclearfusion.

55 The Nature of the Defense Budget Technological advances have accelerated the growth of gross domesticproducts worldwide. For instance, the US GDP has risen an average of 6percent annually over the past 30 years to $39 trillion.

56 Accordingly, thefederal budget has easily been able to withstand a rise in defense spendingto more than $300 billion in 1995 dollars (see fig. 5-3), an amount thatrepresents less than 1 percent of American GDP. Military budgets-particularly for modernization, which is now 60 percent of the total DOD budget-rise in an attempt to stay apace with threats. Obsolescence is arecurrent problem, and some systems' lifespans are measured in months orless. Though the defense budget has increased, serious threats from alldirections, because of ready access to WMD and information disruptionsystems, reduce the overall security of US citizens.Figure 5-3. DOD Budget (Constant FY95 $B) for Digital Cacophony Capabilities America's global world view supports a technically proficient military, able to inject itself into surface, spatial, and virtual operating environments.The US has chosen to be involved globally because the fuzzy state has, in asense, formed a fluid continuum seeping into all of the world's nooks andcrannies. The US perceives this continuum as a global neighborhood sharingone backyard,

58 Physical and virtual defenses are everywhere.Implications In Digital Cacophony, DTeK's Exponentialn growth has contributed to anunstable world, domestically and internationally. The proliferation of massdestruction and disruption weapons keeps the world on edge. As fears in the US escalate, individuals turn to the netocracy in dictating what militaryaction they want accomplished. At times it is not clear who the enemy iswith the rapid shifting of coalitions. Historical allies become foes and foes become allies as technology quickly determines who is currently leadingthe technology race and receiving the profits.Four main concerns impact the day-to-day operations of the military: time,modernization, training, and burnout. Time is of the essence as everyconflict, no matter its initial scope, has the capacity to explode intoregional or global war. The decision cycle is compressed into hours, vicedays or weeks. To remain ready, the military maintains worldwide vigilance.The pace of modernization is driven by the need to stay ahead in fieldingthe latest weapon or countermeasure. Unfortunately, the pace of modernization makes it difficult to keep personnel trained in the latesttechniques and equipment. A combination of extremely high operations and training tempo causes rapid burnout of most front-line military forces. Mostremain in the field only 5 to 10 years. A key challenge is the task ofbalancing this burnout with the need to retain individuals with "live"experience.Information-age advances have greatly benefited certain aspects of the military. Since many military missions can be performed "over the net," manyserve "on-line." All headquarters and command functions are performedon-line from dispersed locations to reduce vulnerability and increaseefficiency. Many nonmobile functions, such as acquisition, supply, and mostlogistics, are transitioned to the reserves. All officer and enlisted professional military education and advanced technical training isindividualized, and most student interaction is conducted via virtual videoconferencing seminars.Summary Digital Cacophony is a world racing to keep pace with the rampant speed oftechnological change. This condition results from the effects of DTeK beingat the extreme Exponentialn dimension. The power grid in this world hasbecome Dispersed, and no one actor or government can control thefree-flowing information across boundaries. The American world view is Global due to the numerous threats facing the country and world. The US realizes it is part of the "global village" and must be involved world wideto guarantee long-term security.

Notes"One group of scientists has said the rate of change in our contemporary world is running a million times faster than the rate of humans' ability toadjust to the new situation." Michel Marriott, "In a Cashless Future, RobotsWill Cook," The New York Times, 24 January 1996, C-1.The concept is similar to a fictional example found in Bruce Sterling,Islands In The Net (New York: Ace Books, 1988).Negro ponte discusses the upcoming ability to carry "more and more computing and communications equipment on our body," with the wrist watch being themost obvious choice. He predicts that within five years, one of the largestgrowth areas in consumer products will be with devices such as anall-in-one, wrist-mounted TV, computer, and telephone. Nicholas Negroponte,Being Digital (New York: Vintage Books, 1995), 210."It's a typical day in the year 2006. After a hectic afternoon ofnegotiating contracts with business partners in Hong Kong, London, Moscow,and the Bronx, you step into your kitchen. What's for lunch? You press ahand on your personal diagnostic machine, and quicker than you can sayMichael Jackson does Sinatra, the unit checks your blood pressure,cholesterol and weight-fat ratio and reads out your nutritionalrequirements. Up pops the menus." Marriott, C-1.Julian dates are the days of a calendar year, numbered 1 through 365 (or 366for leap year) starting with January 1st as 001. Months are not used.Some of the 2025 advisors argued that such significant advances intechnology would produce only a peaceful and nonthreatening world. They believed networking the world together would make people understand eachother and be less confrontational. The Alternate Futures team feelstechnology will also produce negative effects. Often technology will comeinto the hands of those willing to do whatever it takes, whether positive ornegative, to support their position.Numerous sources cite the projected development of advances in the medicalfield. Robert Langer, and Joseph P. Vacanti, "Artificial Organs," ScientificAmerican 273, no. 3 (September 1995): 100-103; Jeffrey A.Fisher,"Breakthroughs in Sight," World Health 47, no. 5 (September-October 1995):20-21; "In 2010," The Economist 330, no. 7855 (19 March 1994): F15-18; and Douglas E. Olesen, "The Top 10 Technologies, for the Next 10 Years," The Futurist 29, no. 5 (September-October 1995): 9-13.Mr Edward Cornish, president of the World Future Society, predicts that"homes will be so comfortable and so wired to the outside world with communication and entertainment equipment that people will rarely want toleave them." Marriott.Numerous references predict expansion of global networking. Mark Nollinger,"America, On-Line," Wired 3, no. 9 (September 1995): 158; and George I.Zysman, "Wireless Networks" and "Wireless Telephony for DevelopingCountries," Scientific American 273, no. 3 (September 1995): 52; and MarvinCetron and Owen Davies, "50 Trends Shaping the World," adapted from CrystalGlobe: The Haves and Have-Nots of the New World Order (Bethesda, Md.; St.Martin's Press, 1991), 1-10.Walter B. Wriston, The Twilight of Sovereignty: How the Information Revolution is Transforming Our World (New York: Scribner Publishers, 1992),1-176.Here the Tofflers' concept of "hyper-connectivity" is extended further. Theauthors propose that the increased use of networking will allow average American citizens the capability to vote on every issue as opposed tosending forward a representative. Alvin Toffler and Heidi Toffler, War andAnti-War (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1993), 244-246.Negroponte states, "My guess is that 1 billion people will be connected (tothe Internet) by the year 2000. This is based on the fact that the fastestgrowing number of Internet hosts (percent change) in the third quarter of 1994 were Argentina, Iran, Peru, Egypt, the Philippines, the RussianFederation, Slovenia and Indonesia (in that order)." Negroponte, 182.Researchers have shown a link between social unrest and poverty/economicgrowth. While social instability can and does affect the economy, this is the lesser of the two effects. Suk Hun Lee, "Relative Importance ofPolitical Instability and Economic Variables on Perceived CountryCreditworthiness," Journal of International Business Studies, Winter 1993,801-812. What is clear is that social unrest, caused by discovering that oneis a have-not, can impact the economy of a region. Bedford N. Umez, "HasSocial Mobilization Caused Political Instability in Africa? A Granger Causality Test, " The Review of Black Political Economy, Summer 1993, 33-54."The threat of a Russian-American nuclear Armageddon may have lessened withthe ending of the cold war, but fears about the spread of nuclear weaponshave, if anything, intensified. 'The bomb' remains the power-symbol of choice, coveted by nervous governments around the world." "NuclearNon-Proliferation: Between the Bomb and a Hard Place," The Economist 334,no. 7907 (25 March 1995): 23-25.David Albright, president of the Institute of Science and InternationalSecurity, describes how difficult it is detecting small, nuclear facilities.He states, "Although many secret programs have been detected and thwarted,several important programs have eluded detection. In some cases, the fail urestemmed from inadequate monitoring; in others, from a lack of political commitment." David Albright, "A Proliferation Primer," The Bulletin of theAtomic Scientists 49, no. 5 (June 1993): 14-23."Genetic engineering has great potential in agriculture. By the turn of the century the world will be using crop products which have been honed to market specification by the addition, subtraction, or modification of genes." Jim Peacock, "Twenty-first Century Crops," Nature 357, no. 6377 (4June 1992): 358. Other related articles describing genetic engineering ofplants include: "A Swift, Simple Way to Engineer New Plants," Business Week,no. 3368 (25 April 1994): 136; "Pest-Resistant Seeds Foil Insects," USAToday (Magazine) 123, no. 2601 (June 1995): 14-15; and "Creating Shorter,Stronger Plants," USA Today (Magazine) 122, no. 2589 (June 1994): 7-8. Forinformation on genetic engineering of animals see Jacqueline M.Graves,"Designer Genes Go for Your Plate," Fortune 132, no. 1 (10 July 1995): 22;Hayo Cremers and Debora MacKenzie, "Europe Wrangles over Herman's Sex Life,"New Scientist 136, no. 1849 (28 November 1992): 8; and Diane Gershon,"Genetically Engineered Foods Get Green Light," Nature 357, no. 6377 (4 June1992): 352."The influenza virus is unique among viruses in being able to undergo so much antigenic change that an antigenically novel virus can sweep around the world in a year or two, giving rise to significant morbidity andmortality…. Recent and historical information suggest China, especiallysouthern China, as a hypothetical influenza epicenter." Kennedy F.Shortridge, "The Next Pandemic Influenza Virus?" The Lancet 346, no. 8984 (4November 1995): 1210-1212. In addition, a very realistic plague situation isplayed out in "Savior of the Plague Years," Wired Scenarios, SpecialEdition, 1.01 (1995):

84.A similar influenza pandemic occurred in the past. "It was a secondary bacterial infection that accounted for the high mortality in the influenzaepidemic of 1918 and 1919, one of the worst human catastrophes on record. Ithas been estimated that more than 20 million people around the world diedduring the epidemic, and of the 20 million people who suffered from the illness in the United States, approximately 850,000 died." The NewEncyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed., 1991, vol. 26, Macropeadia, 748(2)a.In 1995, "ninety-five percent of the wild rabbits in South Australia werekilled by the accidental release of the deadly calcivirus" in less thanthree months. Such accidents cause great fear in Digital Cacophony, a world where information is available at the lowest level, without the infrastructure to institute rigorous safeguards. Steve Newman, "RabbitViruses," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 3 February 1996.The Tofflers assert that unless the UN is reorganized, it will lose all its efficacy and relevance. In this world, it fails to reorganize, thus in effect disbands as the major powers in the world discontinue the irmembership. Toffler and Toffler, 210."A HERF gun is a very powerful weapon in the Information Warrior's arsenal,and it can come in all sorts of different configurations to meet one'sneeds. At a very basic level, a HERF gun shoots a high power radio signal atan electronic target and puts it out of commission." Winn Schwartau,Information Warfare (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1994), 178.Don White, an expert on electromagnetic shielding, "feels that HERFrepresents a real challenge for the commercial sector, especially if used by terrorists. He agrees that HERF, since it is both invisible and insidious,is a much-overlooked threat." Schwartau, 183-184.In the 1990s, Gen Donald J. Kutyna, while commander in chief of the US SpaceCommand, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee about the ever-increasing threat of third world tactical ballistic missile systems. In Digital Cacophony, ballistic missile technology has merged with precision instrumentation, giving so-called third world countries the capability toachieve some nuclear effects with nonnuclear devices. Maj James P. Marshall,"Near Real-Time Intelligence of the Tactical Battlefield," Maj Glenn Cobb,ed., Theater Air Campaign Studies Course Book (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air Command and Staff College, 1995), 231-238.A territorial war breaks out in North Africa between Libya and Algeria.Libya claims the war is based on an old territorial dispute with Algeria,but both countries are really vying for the rich natural resources in Tunisia. As the tide turns towards an Algerian victory, Libya launches aScud missile with a small nuclear warhead at the city of Algiers. This is afictional scenario based on information gathered in Jane's Sentinel: The Unfair Advantage, Regional Security Assessment, North Africa, 1995 Edition,ed. by Paul Beaver (Surrey, UK: Jane's Information Group, 1994)."Space is limitless in every sense. If we are to survive and progress as aspecies, then we must eventually break through the limits of our home planet and people the reaches of space." For additional info see: Marshall T.Savage, "Dawn of a New Millennium," Ad Astra 7, no. 4 (July/August 1995):40-43."Space will undoubtedly be a center of gravity in any future war with apeer. Space offers a medium for near instantaneous, cheap, world wide communications [and] continuous surveillance . . . these are war-deciding capabilities … war in space will mirror any other kind of war. It will have offensive and defensive aspects. Militaries will attack enemy sat ellites while trying to defend their own satellites." Jeffery R. Barnett, Future War(Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 1996),

41; and Toffler and Toffler, 99-101.The oceans have vast reserves of commercially valuable minerals, includingnickel, iron, manganese, copper, and cobalt. These minerals are found mostoften near hot gushers, known as hydrothermal vents, spewing up a blackcloud of superheated, mineral-rich water from an average depth of about7,300 feet. Several mining companies are drawing up plans to investigate further. Michael D. Lemonick, "The Last Frontier," Time 147, no. 7 (14August 1995): 54-60; and Steven Ashley, "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea,"Technology Review 97, no. 3 (May/June 1994): 13-14. As for oceansettlements, Marshall Savage, author of The Millennial Project, states thecolonizing of the earth's oceans are the first phase of space colonization.The oceans are vast, with warm water banks of energy and nutrientssufficient to provide a very large population with a high standard of living on an indefinitely sustainable basis. For additional information see Savage,40-43. One of the 2025 advisors asked during the 7 February 1996 briefing ofthe Alternate Futures why people would want to live in space or under thesea. John Mauldin put it best when he said, "People will go to the stars forthe basic reason that some yearn enough to endure and overcome thehardships." John H. Mauldin, "Reflections on the Sociology of InterstellarTravel," Ad Astra 7, no. 4 (July/August 1995): 48-52.Negroponte feels that as the business world globalizes, along with the Internet, one will start to see "a seamless digital workplace." Bits will beborderless, stored and manipulated with absolutely no respect togeopolitical boundaries. Negroponte, 228. Also see Marriott; and Bill Gates,The Road Ahead (New York: Viking, 1995), 231-242.Wriston.2025 executive committee brought up the point during a video teleconference on 10 January 1996 that as people's fear and anxiety rise, they would expectgovernments to do more to provide security, even if the government is"virtual."Van Creveld points out that historically, nuclear WMD have not conferred any particular military or political advantage to their possessors, who incurdebilitating financial and technical strains in producing and maintainingsuch systems. See Martin van Creveld, The Transformation of War (New York:The Free Press, 1991), 2-10. The Alternate Futures study team asserts thatin a world of rampant TeK, the entry fee would be substantially reduced.However, nuclear WMD are not the primary problem in Digital Cacophony. Theprimary problems are the traditional poor man's nuclear weapons-chemical and biological toxins-which are readily produced in this world. Information netsare also vulnerable to weapons of mass disruption (sometimes called WMd).Even strong advocates of the merits of inter dependence, such as Joseph Nye,now acknowledge that "the growing interdependence of the world does not necessarily establish greater harmony." Joseph S. Nye and William A. Owens,"America's Information Edge," Foreign Affairs 75, no. 2 (March-April 1996):

24; and Toffler and Toffler, 175.The Tofflers assert that unless the UN is reorganized, it will lose all itsefficacy and relevance. What will remain is a hollow shell, a country clubof nation-states who debate the good old days. Toffler and Toffler, 210.Nye and Owens argue that information dominance in battle has the ability todeter twists of terror and propaganda. Nye,

25.This definition is patterned after that for narcolepsy. It is a logical extension of articles in the 1990s that discuss Internet addiction. Thesecybernauts, lost in electronic space, would constitute a large portion ofDigital Cacophony denizens. For a sample article see Diedtra Henderson,"Addicted to the Internet," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 24 March 1996.For a fictional example of the effects of being left off the net, seeSterling.Schwartau cites numerous examples of people manipulating systems as an act of revenge or for personal gratification. Schwartau, 215-248."Informati on warfare is an invisible but very real war where Information Weapons of Mass Destruction are let loose, either in a focused way, toachieve specific results, or indiscriminately, to have the widest possibleimpact. The victims are not only the targeted computers, companies, or economics, but the tens of millions of people who depend upon the seinformation systems for their survival." Schwartau, 291; "Tomorrow'sterrorist may be able to do more damage with a keyboard than with a bomb."Toffler and Toffler, 150."Information overload is not unique to the highway, . . . you'll be able toset up "filters" which are really just standing queries. Filters will work around the clock, watching for new information that matches an interest of yours, filtering out everything else." Gates, 79-80.Schwartau, 1-384; and Douglas Waller, "Onward Cyber Soldiers," Time 146, no.8 (21 August 1995): 38-42."The Future of Medicine," The Economist 330, no. 7855 (19 March 1994):F3-18; John Carey, "Science-Fiction Medicine Is Fast Becoming Fact,"Business Week, no. 3399 (18 November 1994): 169; Thomas Blanton and David C.Balch, "Telemedicine," The Futurist 29, no. 5 (September-October 1995):14-18; Fisher, 20-21; Langer, 100-103; and Olesen, 10.Olesen, 10.Ibid., 10.Charles Platt, "The Museum of Nanotechnology: Tiny and Great Leaps for the Human Race," Wired Scenarios, Special Edition 1.01 (1995): 102-103.Hans Moravac, professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute,foresees that by 2000, robots able to find their way around open and cluttered places without using markers or devices to assist, plus being more cost effective than a person. Charles Platt, "Super Humanism," Wired 3, no.10 (October 1995), 144; and Negroponte, 213.Admiral Owens, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, noted that evenin 1995 the center of technological acceleration generally lay in thecommercial, nondefense sector. William A. Owens, "The Emerging System ofSystems," in Maj Glenn Cobb, ed., Theater Air Campaign Studies (Maxwell AFB,Ala.: Air Command and Staff College, 1995), 205-209."The information highway will help raise the educational standards foreveryone in future generations. The highway will allow new methods of teaching and much more choice." Gates, 198.Schwartau, 105-108; and Waller, 38-42.Toffler and Toffler, 150-151."The Next Wave: Aquaculture," Scientific American 273, no. 3 (September1995), 185. Also see: Lemonick, 54-60; Steven Ashley, 13-14; and Savage,40-43.The growing trend is for industries to now "design for recycling," "designfor disassembly," and "design for the environment." There is a shift away from the treatment or disposal of industrial waste and towards theelimination of its very creation. Manufacturers will design and produceproducts in such a way as to make the control of waste and pollution part oftheir enterprise, not just an afterthought. See Robert A. Frosch, "The Industrial Ecology of the 21st Century," Scientific American 273, no. 3(September 1995), 178-180; Julian Szekely and Gerardo Trapaga, "From VillainTo Hero (Materials Industry's Waste Recovery Efforts)," Technology Review98, no. 1 (Jan 1995), 30-36; "Garbage In, Business Out," The Economist 337,no. 7938 (28 October 1995), 94; and Michael Terrazas, "Report Outlines Global Waste Reduction Efforts," American City & County 110, no. 10(September 1995), 16-19.Around the world, and most especially in water-short countries, states, andcities, wastewater is meeting a variety of demands. These range from waterreuse for agriculture, industry, urban reuse and irrigation, environmentaland recreational application, groundwater recharge, and augmentation of potable water supply. John Meister, "Waste Not, Want Not: Putting WastewaterTo Work," American City & County 110, no. 1 (January 1995), 32; and"Reclaimed Water Requires Homework First," American City & County 110, no.11 (October 1995), 34.Similar to the scenario portrayed in the movie Johnny Mnemonic."By 2025 the worldwide demand for fuel is projected to increase by 30 percent and that for electricity by 265 percent. Even with more efficient use and conservation, new sources of energy will be required. Solar energy could provide 60 percent of the electricity and as much as 40 percent of thefuel." William Hoagland, "Solar Energy," Scientific American 273, no. 3(September 1995), 136-139; and Cetron and Davies, 4.Jeremy Webb, "Wave Energy Project Hangs in the Balance," New Scientist 140,no. 1896 (23 October 1993), 8; David Ross, "Not Drowning But Waving," NewStatesman & Society 9, no. 385 (12 January 1996), 30; Jeremy Webb, "Tide ofOptimism Ebbs Over Underwater Windmill," New Scientist 138, no. 1870 (24April 1993), 10.Harold P. Furth, "Fusion," Scientific American 273, no. 3 (September 1995),141-143.Based on a 1995 US GDP of $6.74 trillion. The World Fact Book (Washington,D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, 1995), 144.Karl Magyar suspects that this alternate future might evolve into a fuzzyglobal body politic. In such a world, cooperation and consensus wouldstrongly influence (though not necessarily determine) interactions betweenactors. Dr Karl Magyar, faculty, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB,Ala., interview with one of the authors, 9 April 1996.In a world in which forces are constantly deployed, it becomes difficult tofind the time to train for those missions. This problem is exacerbated in Digital Cacophony, where military members must not only train for a missiontype, but must frequently retrain with new equipment. Standardizationbetween upgrades and outright replacement of equipment ease the burden.Joint Pub 1, Joint Warfare of the US Armed Forces (Washington, D.C.: USGovernment Printing Office, 1991), 3.

Contact: Air Force 2025 Last updated: 1996 September 15




原田武夫: <15年前「豚インフル」蔓延を予測していた米軍?>【経済ニュース】 【この記事に対するコメント】

Y! V 2009/05/01(金) 12:21 読み解くマーケットと国内外情勢30日(日本時間)朝、WHw)O(世界保健機関)は蔓延の一途をたどる豚インフルエンザについて、2カ国以上でヒトからヒトへの伝染が確認されたとする「レベル5」への引き上げを公表した。
この文書のタイトルは「2025年の米空軍(Air Force 2025)」。
米空軍からの委嘱を受けて作成にあたったのは米空軍大学(Air University)。

ちなみにこの報告書では、パンデミックとなる大前提として「中国南部(southern China)」での流行開始が掲げられている。
● 去る22日、米系大手メディアは「メリーランド州フレデリックにある米陸軍生物兵器研究所から、“馬脳炎”のウイルスが入った瓶が紛失し、米陸軍当局が調査を開始している」旨報じた。

その結果、もはや対処できなくなった国連は解散する」  「2012年、NYの金融街・ウォールストリートを高エネルギー電波(HERF)が襲う。

(執筆者:原田武夫<原田武夫国際戦略情報研究所(IISIA) CEO>)



<WMD: Words of mass dissemination" 大量破壊兵器>

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』(WMD から転送)移動: ナビゲーション, 検索大量破壊兵器種類生物兵器、化学兵器、核兵器 、放射能兵器国別アメリカ、アルジェリア、アルゼンチン、イギリス、イスラエル、イタリア、イラク、イラン、イ・u档塔h、オーストラリア、オランダ、カナダ、ドイツ、パキスタン、フランス、 ブラジル、ポーランド、ロシア、北朝鮮、台湾、中国、日本、南アフリカ、大量破壊兵器(たいりょうはかいへいき、英語 Weapons of mass destruction)とは、人間を大量に殺傷することが可能な兵器のことを指し、具体的には特に生物兵器、化学兵器、核兵器、放射能兵器の4種類を指すものとして用いられる(放射能兵器を核兵器に含めるとして3種類と数える場合もある)。
この語に対応する英語の「Weapons of mass destruction」は、BBC News(2003)によれば、1937年、スペイン内戦の際にドイツの爆撃機を指して用いられた例にまで遡ることができる。
関連項目生物兵器、化学兵器、規制が議論されている兵器、核拡散防止条約、化学兵器禁止条約、生物兵器禁止条約外国ユーザーリスト拡散に対する安全保障構想(PSI)AK47(世界各地で製造、使用され、多くの内戦や紛争で犠牲者を産んだことから「小さな大量破壊兵器」と形容される) 参考資料ウィキメディア・コモンズには、大量破壊兵器に関連するカテゴリがあります。
STOPUSA(英語)Monde Solidaire(仏語)BBC News (2003). "WMD: Words of mass dissemination" Wednesday, 12 February,2003.(英語)




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