














投稿者 サラ 日時 2005 年 9 月 12 日 04:09:39: qRuhp5/W./QMw




また、現在、いくつかの州で捜査が進められており、この情報提供のキーパーソンであるもとCIA Division 4の工作員デルバート(Delbert)氏からの最終的な了承を得たので、このリポートを公表するにいたった。












Grand jury investigations of White House crime familes From: Tom Flocco ( Tom Flocco .com ) -- Sept. 6, 2005



Who killed John-John? 

Date: Wednesday, August 31

Topic: News Media Control


Division 4 team names Clintons, Bush 41, 43 in JFK Jr. assassination

by Tom Flocco

“One of my family members was related to JFK Jr.‘s grandmother, and although it was not a blood relationship, I had at least a half dozen lengthy conversations with John during the years before he died. We liked each other and hit it off; so this was why John opened up to me and seemed to trust me regarding his future plans to run against either Hillary Clinton for the Senate or George W. Bush for the Presidency in 2000. John had many conversations with my relative; and he gave her permission to discuss his political aspirations with friends so this was not a closely held secret. But what was interesting was that John told me he was pretty sure he could win either of those races.” ("Delbert," former Interpol operative and CIA Division 4 team member)

Caldwell, New Jersey -- August 31, 2005 -- TomFlocco.com -- “I know I’m risking my life in allowing you to interview me; but I’m aware there is an operational grand jury and indictments regarding the White House, so now is the time. I‘m tired of knowing all the details and perpetrators of the murder of an innocent and good man without seeing justice. John’s death has caused tremendous trauma throughout the Kennedy family,“ said a 40ish ex-operative who consented to discuss the investigation and his part in writing the JFK Jr. plane crash preliminary and final reports authorized by the FBI.

“Just refer to me as ‘Delbert.’ That’s good enough,” he said, adding, “If they will kill ‘John-John,’ they’ll kill anybody.”

ビル・クリントン元大統領、H,Wブッシュ元大統領、ジョージWブッシュ現大統領、上院議員ヒラリークリントンによるジョンFケネディ・Jrの暗殺に関して、長年にわたり特殊部隊要員であり、その後CIAのDivision 4の諜報部員であった人間により曝露された衝撃的な証拠、目撃証言さらにこの事件の隠蔽された極秘(Classified)リポートは、米国特別検察官パトリック・フィッジェラルドに対し、ジョンFケネディJrの死について証人喚問を行い、現在進行中のホワイトハウスの犯罪一家の大陪審による捜査の一部として、この事件の捜査を要求することになるであろう。

The long-time Special Forces and Division 4 operative’s explosive evidence, witness testimony and his team’s suppressed and classified final report naming former Presidents Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush, President George W. Bush and Senator Hillary Clinton among others as being involved in orchestrating the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. will require U.S. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to hear testimony to investigate John Jr.’s death as part of his ongoing grand jury probe involving White House crime families.

1999 piper saratoga II TC
....similar to JFK jr. plane


During three exclusive interviews with TomFlocco.com, the ex-operative told us the final classified report specifically said “JFK Jr.’s plane broke in half just aft of the cabin. The damage was caused by a plastique (C-4) shape charge which was formed along the bottom of the fuselage and up along both sides of the walls. The charge was caused to be set off or exploded with a large spark generated by a barometric switch device triggered by the altitude of the plane. In other words, the assassins chose the altitude for the explosion of the plane--a standard procedure to make the target’s murder look like an accident.”


Delbert said his team and their witnesses and families have been in physical jeopardy since 1999 “because the media did not report the truth about what happened;” and that all involved are now placing their lives in the hands of Fitzgerald and his deputies to prosecute the evidence--charges that will serve to mitigate compromised media outlets now protecting the White House with spin and insinuations that Fitzgerald is using the “perjury trap” to manufacture crimes instead of genuinely seeking evidence.

Sources close to one grand jury indicate the spin will not work this time. The U.S. intelligence community is monitoring the work of all the prosecutors and grand juries. Serious crimes with supporting evidence involving three branches of government and the media have already threatened the long term survival of the Republic.

We learned that scores of witnesses were interviewed by Division 4: a) at the scene of the explosion off Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, b) when the plane and bodies were recovered, c) in the White House regarding the assassination plot prior to the crash, and d) at the airport concerning what witnesses saw three days before Kennedy’s plane took off. Collectively, they tell a different story than the media--one that might ultimately rival the political intrigue surrounding ancient Rome’s ruling Caesars.

The decision to come forward

After observing that the Division 4 JFK Jr. preliminary report (filed three days after the crash, but later leaked within the intelligence community for a number of years) had remained online for the last six months, contact was made with stewwebb.com where we first saw the document. Webb had already faxed the document to more than 300 top electronic and print media outlets which collectively ignored it.

We inquired whether it would be possible to interview one of the active or retired Division 4 members who conducted the actual investigation and wrote the reports, given the rapidly gathering swirl of secret grand juries.

A former member of the Division 4 International Murder Investigative team named Delbert, who helped write the reports and interview witnesses, was asked to come forward by Stewart Webb and was subsequently contacted by TomFlocco.com, consenting to several interviews to discuss his findings in the leaked preliminary report and reveal specific names and evidence details contained in the final classified report which has been withheld from the American people.

Delbert told us today that he cringes when he reads the report and thinks about it being in ‘general’ circulation: “It was NEVER meant for general dissemination and consumption; and frankly, I’m somewhat appalled when I think of it being ‘out there.’ The final report was cleaned up grammatically and the actual facts presented in a much clearer, concise manner leaving out any speculation. But I regret this report ever getting out.”

Grand jury activity notwithstanding, what piqued our initial interest was a feeling that the Division 4 team, with experience tracking murderers across the globe and placed on loan to assist an overwhelmed FBI for the JFK Jr. probe--had apparently conducted an investigation far more complete than what the mainstream media was telling its trusting viewers and readers.

Not unexpectedly, the team was told to “back off,“ since its leaked preliminary report written by Delbert and another team member revealed specific contradictory evidence, calling JFK Jr.‘s death to be a “political assassination of the highest order.”

Division 4 investigative team’s past exploits can currently be seen on the Discovery Channel in “The Hunt for the Serpent,” about a serial killer they chased through Nepal, India, Pakistan and China; but the team also became well-known for a chase through the Hudson Valley into Canada before capturing the Green Valley killer who had murdered 43 young prostitutes. As part of this international version of the FBI, the team specializes in tracking serial killers and pedophiles across foreign boundaries.

The ‘Phoenix Project’ and assassinations Years prior to serving on this team for three years, Delbert said he was a member of the U.S. Army Special Forces, attached to the Phoenix Project / Operation, on orders to “destabilize targeted governments by murdering government officials, elites, professionals, bankers, military leaders, teachers, professors and medical professionals."

“This started in Vietnam and then moved to Central America,” said Delbert, adding “I was part of what we called the Bush-Clinton New World Order takeover to place in power selected individuals who received their marching orders directly from the U.S. government. Plain and simple, Project Phoenix required Americans to kill off innocent people to place in power those selected by the U.S. ruling elite; but I left, finding it very objectionable.”

“These activities are still going on today,” said the intelligence insider. “America now uses FBI Division 5, CIA Division 4, and elements from within the Department of Defense (DOD) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for its dirty work. Five-man Delta teams made up of nationals from Mexico and Ecuador are being trained for house-to-house extraction and murder of American citizens--when the day comes that Martial Law is declared and what little is left of our Constitution is scrapped.“

"These (elements) are counter-intelligence goon squads of trained assassins which engage in covert operations both inside and outside the United States--with or without the knowledge of Congress which is supposed to be restraining them from actions against our own citizens. They’re out of control--just a marvelous group of human beings,” said the former intelligence veteran.

With a measure of insight into Delbert’s background and credibility, we asked him to talk about Division 4’s JFK Jr. findings, the specific content of the team’s written accounts and the details of the assassination plot.

The preliminary and final reports

The preliminary report and our three interviews with Delbert provide an open window template through which to view previous evidence that could point to prosecutable obstruction of justice by a grand jury regarding past FBI probes of major political figures who also died in plane crashes or in another manner. Ample evidence indicates that Congress has permitted the Bureau to serve as a private taxpayer-funded political cover-up arm for each White House.

A grand jury itself presents what amounts to a citizen-controlled fourth branch of government, set aside by founding fathers as a necessary precaution against corruption, obstruction of justice and/or treason on the part of the Supreme Court, White House and Congress -acting separately or in concert. Individuals talking to sources close to the grand jury told us that citizen panelists are currently reviewing powerful evidence with explosive documents and are dead-serious about cleansing the government.

A case in point for a grand jury to become operational would occur if, for example, Fitzgerald had witnesses who could corroborate that members of the Supreme Court received financial bribes in 2000 to install George W. Bush in the White House [ Part 1 / Part 2 ], or if Florida’s elected officials destroyed voter ballots to prevent Al Gore from becoming the duly elected president for the same reason. In short, evidence would be collected and the grand jury would hear testimony.

While John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. was reported to have died in an accidental plane crash on July 16, 1999, Division 4’s preliminary report reveals careful details dissimilar to those reported by news outlets, indicating what the team described in its report as “classic media disinformation, if not outright lies” pertaining to suspect circumstances surrounding the death of the only son of President John F. Kennedy who was himself assassinated on November 22, 1963 under a similar investigative cloud.

Most families of well-known politicians killed in “accidental” plane crashes were not afforded the opportunity of having a separate outside agency like Division 4 to investigate the evidence of their loved one‘s death as in the case of the son of an assassinated president. The prelim report summary is revealing:

“Subject was a qualified pilot, in control of his flight, flying a reasonably new aircraft, in excellent condition. Visibility was 8 miles. Wind, calm. All indication from Forensics and Physical evidence investigations lend themselves to a violent explosion, either from an altitude or barometric pressure device, or from a Particle Beam laser. [Delbert said Particle Beam laser was left out of final classified report] Aircraft ‘broke up’ in mid-air, as evidenced by wide spread debris gathered from the ocean and several different beaches. This can only be caused by an onboard explosion, or an attack by a missile or Laser. [Delbert said missile and Laser were left out of final report] Considering the nature of current political leanings of subject and today’s political atmosphere in America, and the before-mentioned facts, there is little doubt that subject was assassinated. In fact, team [Interpol Serial Killer Alpha Team] considers this a Political Assassination of the highest order. It was meant to alleviate a potential threat to the ruling elite. And it succeeded.” [From the JFK Jr. preliminary report, filed on July 19, 1999. This document has been authenticated by several intelligence agents; and we were told copies have been passed around the intelligence community for several years.]

Four team members and two from another U.S. law enforcement agency who jointly participated in producing the final classified report, filed on August 5, 1999, revealed startling evidence which will prevent a continued cover-up.

The six members of the Division 4 team and others will have to be protected and then subpoenaed for sealed testimony; and the grand jury will also need to hear the testimony of scores of the team’s interviewed citizen witnesses who have thus far remained understandably silent about what they saw and heard regarding JFK Jr.’s tragic death.

Delbert said the team's probe was rigorous. We found it staggering:

“a) 30-40 witnesses were thoroughly interviewed

b) Ten individuals said they actually saw JFK Jr.‘s plane explode in mid-air Essex County Airport in Caldwell, New Jersey




c) Two witnesses told the team they saw George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey airport with Israeli Mossad agent Michael Harari and another Mossad agent who were both seen standing next to JFK Jr.’s Cessna--all four were at the airport just two days before the doomed plane took off with JFK, Jr., his pregnant wife and her sister


d) Several witnesses testified they overheard the murder plot being discussed in the White House oval office

e) One ‘company’ (CIA) witness at the scene saw the bodies and the damaged plane and told the team a mid-air explosion caused the crash

f) Approximately 150 witnesses gave individual depositions and signed statements for the final report

g) Three flight instructors who worked with JFK Jr. testified he was an excellent pilot and had logged a huge number of flying hours since being licensed--he loved to fly and was that good.”

Delbert told us “At the end of July, 1999, during the final phase of our investigation, we talked to several individual sources in the White House who consented to be interviewed as witnesses.”

“We included their testimony in the final draft of the report which was classified until 2025--not currently available to any living individual,“ said the former operative.

“Since concrete evidence of a plot involving three presidents and a current senator in the assassination of John F. Kennedy’s son--who the report said they perceived as a political threat and future rival--would not exactly inspire public confidence in the government, it’s probable that the American people will never see our final un-redacted report,” said Delbert, “unless there are grand jury murder indictments and a public trial.”

The Players

“The White House sources we interviewed overheard conversations involving individuals who made the decision to murder JFK, Jr.,” said Delbert, who joined three Division 4 fellow operatives and two other federal agency officials in alleging the following names in the final classified report as having participated in planning the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. after the team had interviewed all the witnesses involved in the case:


The Division 4 team member told us “The meeting to discuss the murder occurred in the White House oval office. The subjects named in the report who participated in ordering the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. were President Clinton and his wife Hillary--both in the room, former Attorney General Janet Reno--also in the room and who JFK Jr. had publicly called to task for her role in Waco and Ruby Ridge operations, FBI Director Louis Freeh--in the room, and former President George H. W. Bush, Lawrence Rockefeller (now deceased), and three Inner Circle Council of Thirteen members who were all teleconferenced into the oval office discussion via secure White House phone lines.“

Quietly taken aback by the revelations, we asked Delbert to summarize the content of the alleged oval office murder plot overheard by the team's interviewed witness sources, including witnesses assigned to White House domestic security:

“a) Conversation about JFK Jr.’s magazine GEORGE becoming a political vehicle which could threaten ruling elite families and expose past White House crimes

b) Discussions about blowing up his Cessna, John Jr.’s vulnerability and even carelessness about his plane’s security when warned that suspicious individuals had previously been seen lurking around his plane at the airport

c) Attorney General Reno’s problems with JFK Jr. criticizing Waco and Ruby Ridge

d) Speculation about who John Jr. would pick to run against in 2000--Hillary Clinton or George W. Bush

e) Discussion about political family factions and relationships between federal law enforcement, national security and intelligence agencies

f) Discussion about how the assassination would take place, starting at the airport--with specific Mossad agents named by the subject conspirators without mentioning the actual Israeli agency

g) General agreement that John, Jr. had become over-zealous in planning to employ GEORGE to circuitously expose those who were behind the assassination of his father.”

White House-controlled foreign assassination teams in America

As we listened without comment, the Division 4 operative continued: “We were told by the same White House sources we interviewed that FBI Director Freeh left the oval office after the murder plot was discussed and met with Israeli Mossad agent Michael Harari who then met with his supervisor, General Rafael Eitan, considered to be one of the most dangerous Israeli agents who ever lived,” stated Delbert.

Delbert explained that testimony by White House and airport witnesses and others will provide outrageous but credible grand jury evidence that three United States presidents have their own private Israeli Mossad assassins--as well as assassins from several American federal government agencies--and will use them to commit treason and murder against other Americans perceived to pose a political threat to their power, a fact surely to horrify Jewish-Americans and all U.S. citizens.

“I had heard that even our own FBI agents literally trembled at the fear of being assigned to watch General Eitan’s movements, since collaborating congressional oversight allowed him to freely enter the United States at any time, using passports under a different name,” the Division 4 special investigative team member said.

[One of the most outrageous documents this writer has ever seen, confirming the existence of Michael Harari and his nefarious Bush-connected activities, was the Colonel Cutolo / Colonel Corone Court Deposition, which we found on www. stewwebb.com.]

Delbert continued his shocking narrative, “About three days before John’s plane took off and exploded in mid-air, Michael Harari, and another Mossad agent were seen with former President George H. W. Bush and his son Texas Governor George W. Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey airport where John Jr. kept his plane.”This fact was also confirmed by separate U.S. intelligence sources who are also willing to testify before a grand jury. [click here to read more about Harari’s U.S. activities in the Cutolo Affadavit.htm also found at stewwebb.com]

“All four were positively identified by an aircraft mechanic and a maintenance worker we interviewed for the final classified report; but we didn’t include their names or the names of some other key witnesses so that there would be citizens left to testify in case the Clintons or Bushes started having people murdered,” said the former Special Forces member.



Sources close to one grand jury indicate the spin will not work this time. The U.S. intelligence community is monitoring the work of all the prosecutors and grand juries. Serious crimes with supporting evidence involving three branches of government and the media have already threatened the long term survival of the Republic.

大陪審に近い情報によると、アメリカ情報機関関係者は、検察官や大陪審の行動を、逐 一モニターしている。

今回は、事実を捻じ曲げることは、不可能かもしれないとしてい る。

すでに、共和国の存亡を長期に渡って脅かしているのは、メディアと3つの政府機関 が関与しており、その重大犯罪の証拠もある。

We learned that scores of witnesses were interviewed by Division 4: a) at the scene of the explosion off Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts, b) when the plane and bodies were recovered, c) in the White House regarding the assassination plot prior to the crash, and d) at the airport concerning what witnesses saw three days before Kennedy's plane took off. Collectively, they tell a different story than the media--one that might ultimately rival the political intrigue surrounding ancient Rome's ruling Caesars.


a)マサチューセッツのマーサ・ ブドウ園を離れたときの爆発の様子、


c)墜落以前にあっ たホワイトハウスの暗殺計画、

d)ケネディJr.が離陸する3日前に飛行場で目撃した ことに関するものであることが分かった。

結局、メディアと異なる顛末で、つまり は、陰謀を張り巡らしている古代ローマ帝国に対抗しているようであった。

The decision to come forward


After observing that the Division 4 JFK Jr. preliminary report (filed three days after the crash, but later leaked within the intelligence community for a number of years) had remained online for the last six months, contact was made with stewwebb.com where we first saw the document. Webb had already faxed the document to more than 300 top electronic and print media outlets which collectively ignored it.

JFK Jr.機の墜落三日後に作成された予備報告書は、情報機関関係者内部では何 年にも渡りリークされていた、

最初にその情報に遭遇したのは、当時六ヶ月間オン ラインで保存されていたstewwebb.com内である。

Webbは300以上のメディア・ア ウトレットにfaxおよび印刷物として送られたが、すべて無視されていた。

We inquired whether it would be possible to interview one of the active or retired Division 4 members who conducted the actual investigation and wrote the reports, given the rapidly gathering swirl of secret grand juries.

我々は、直接尋問しレポートをまとめた退役Division-4のメンバーに取材できるか どうか問い合わせたが、直ちに大陪審の機密事項とされてしまった。

A former member of the Division 4 International Murder Investigative team named Delbert, who helped write the reports and interview witnesses, was asked to come forward by Stewart Webb and was subsequently contacted by TomFlocco.com, consenting to several interviews to discuss his findings in the leaked preliminary report and reveal specific names and evidence details contained in the final classified report which has been withheld from the American people.

レポートをまとめ取材にも、証人にもなった国際的殺害調査チームDivision-4のメ ンバー、デルバートが、スチュワートのウエブに登場し、その後TomFlocc.comとも コンタクトをとり、以前予備報告書をリークした友人に対し、取材やディスカッ ションを行い、アメリカ国民に、いまだ留保されたままになっている機密扱の最終報 告書にある証拠や、首謀者たちの名前を明かする承諾を得た。

Delbert told us today that he cringes when he reads the report and thinks about it being in general circulation: “It was NEVER meant for general dissemination and consumption; and frankly, I'm somewhat appalled when I think of it being ‘out there.' The final report was cleaned up grammatically and the actual facts presented in a much clearer, concise manner leaving out any speculation. But I regret this report ever getting out.”

デルバートが今朝になって、レポートを読み、これが一般大衆に公表されることを 思うと畏縮してしまったと、連絡をしてきたが、これは決して一般的に公開される ものではありません。

率直に言ってこのことが闇に葬り去られるほうがゾッとしま す。


が、私はこ のレポートが決して公表されないのが残念でなりません。

Grand jury activity notwithstanding, what piqued our initial interest was a feeling that the Division 4 team, with experience tracking murderers across the globe and placed on loan to assist an overwhelmed FBI for the JFK Jr. probe--had apparently conducted an investigation far more complete than what the mainstream media was telling its trusting viewers and readers.

大陪審は、我々は最初に興味をもった殺人者を追跡する経験から、JFK調査をアシス トするために、大組織FBIに、Division-4チームを出向させることに関係なく、主流な メディアが流し信頼されている視聴者のものより、はるかに完全な調査を行ってい ました。

Not unexpectedly, the team was told to back off, since its leaked preliminary report written by Delbert and another team member revealed specific contradictory evidence, calling JFK Jr.'s death to be a political assassination of the highest order.


理由は、リークされた予備報告書は、デ ルバート氏によるものであること、

さらに、他のメンバーが違う証拠を提示したこと による。

結局は、JFK Jr.の死亡は、高度に政治的なものであるからである。

Division 4 investigative team's past exploits can currently be seen on the Discovery Channel in The Hunt for the Serpent, about a serial killer they chased through Nepal, India, Pakistan and China; but the team also became well-known for a chase through the Hudson Valley into Canada before capturing the Green Valley killer who had murdered 43 young prostitutes. As part of this international version of the FBI, the team specializes in tracking serial killers and pedophiles across foreign boundaries.

Division-4の調査チームは、過去に連続殺人犯を追い詰めるために、ネパール、イ ンド、パキスタン、中国で作り上げた追跡ルートに成果を見ることができる。

さら に、カナダに入るハドソン峡谷手前の緑の谷で、43人の若い売春婦を謀殺した殺人者 を捕らえたことでも有名になりました。

FBIの国際的バージョンの一部として、 チームは、国外で追跡連続殺人犯と小児性愛者の追跡を専門としている。

The Phoenix Project and assassinations Years prior to serving on this team for three years, Delbert said he was a member of the U.S. Army Special Forces, attached to the Phoenix Project / Operation, on orders to “destabilize targeted governments by murdering government officials, elites, professionals, bankers, military leaders, teachers, professors and medical professionals."

このチームは、フェニクス・プロジェクト、および暗殺を三年間に渡って優先的に 取り扱ってきました。

デルバートは、自分がアメリカ陸軍特殊部隊のメンバーであ り、フェニクス・プロジェクトに配属されていたこと、官僚(エリート集団)、銀 行家、軍のリーダー、教授や医師を謀殺し政府を不安定にする指令を受けていたこ とを明かした。

This started in Vietnam and then moved to Central America, said Delbert, adding I was part of what we called the Bush-Clinton New World Order takeover to place in power selected individuals who received their marching orders directly from the U.S. government. Plain and simple, Project Phoenix required Americans to kill off innocent people to place in power those selected by the U.S. ruling elite; but I left, finding it very objectionable.

デルバートによれば、ベトナムから始まり、そして直接米国政府から出動命令を受取 り、ブッシュ・クリントンが権力を握る新世界秩序のメンバーとして中央アメリカ へ転勤となった。

プロジェクト・フェニックスは政権を握った支配エリートのアメ リカ人が、純真な国民を抹殺する単純明快プロジェクトであったが、私はひどく異議 を覚え、立ち去ることにした。

These activities are still going on today, said the intelligence insider. “America now uses FBI Division 5, CIA Division 4, and elements from within the Department of Defense (DOD) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for its dirty work. Five-man Delta teams made up of nationals from Mexico and Ecuador are being trained for house-to-house extraction and murder of American citizens--when the day comes that Martial Law is declared and what little is left of our Constitution is scrapped.

諜報機関の内部告発によると、現在、FBIではDivision-5、CIAではDivision-4を使 用し、いまだにこうした行状は続いています。

国防総省(DOD)に関する仕事、およ び不正行為のための国防情報局(DIA)から成り立つ。

5人からなるデルタ・チームの 面々は、マーシャル・ロウが宣言される時にメキシコとエクアドルで行動を起こ し、訓練されたチームが各戸を個別に調べ上げてアメリカ市民を抹殺した。

結果、 我々の組織は完璧に破壊されてしまった。

These (elements) are counter-intelligence goon squads of trained assassins which engage in covert operations both inside and outside the United States--with or without the knowledge of Congress which is supposed to be restraining them from actions against our own citizens. They’re out of control--just a marvelous group of human beings,” said the former intelligence veteran.

彼らの部署は、合衆国内部および外部に対しても機能する暗殺集団として訓練され た諜報機関である--アメリカ市民に対する行動を抑制する機関であるアメリカ国会 の認識などお構いなしである。

行動をコントロールすることは不可能--それは本当 に素晴らしいグループであると、退役したベテラン諜報員は述べていた。

With a measure of insight into Delbert's background and credibility, we asked him to talk about Division 4’s JFK Jr. findings, the specific content of the team’s written accounts and the details of the assassination plot.

デルバートの経歴とか信憑性、見識を推し量るために、我々はチームによって作成 されたJFK-Jr.の暗殺計画の詳細な調査結果を尋ねたことがありました。

The preliminary and final reports


The preliminary report and our three interviews with Delbert provide an open window template through which to view previous evidence that could point to prosecutable obstruction of justice by a grand jury regarding past FBI probes of major political figures who also died in plane crashes or in another manner.Ample evidence indicates that Congress has permitted the Bureau to serve as a private taxpayer-funded political cover-up arm for each White House.

予備報告書およびデルバートとの三度に及ぶインタビューから、飛行機事故や、そ の他の方法で亡くなった一流の政界人に対するFBIの以前の調査結果から大陪審に起 訴するための障害を調べた。

国会で承認された、ホワイト・ハウスに対する個人的 な資金供給を、政治的に隠蔽する部署など幾多の証拠が指摘された。

A grand jury itself presents what amounts to a citizen-controlled fourth branch of government, set aside by founding fathers as a necessary precaution against corruption, obstruction of justice and/or treason on the part of the Supreme Court, White House and Congress -acting separately or in concert. Individuals talking to sources close to the grand jury told us that citizen panelists are currently reviewing powerful evidence with explosive documents and are dead-serious about  cleansing the government.

最高裁側の不正、正義を守る事の障害、もしくは国家に対する反逆や横領を防ぐ必 要性から、市民が管理する、政府の第4の部署を創設補助に大陪審自身が動いてい る。


大陪 審に詳しい人から得た話によれば、市民パネリストは、現在、爆発に関する公文書 から強力な証拠の検証を推し進めている。

また、政府内部の浄化にも真剣に取り組 んでいる

A case in point for a grand jury to become operational would occur if, for example, Fitzgerald had witnesses who could corroborate that members of the Supreme Court received financial bribes in 2000 to install George W. Bush in the White House [ Part 1 / Part 2 ], or if Florida's elected officials destroyed voter ballots to prevent Al Gore from becoming the duly elected president for the same reason. In short, evidence would be collected and the grand jury would hear testimony.

たとえば、フィッツジェラルドが、ジョージ・ブッシュを大統領にするため最高裁 メンバーに賄賂を贈ったことを補強する証人がいる場合などが、大陪審が動く適例 となるであろう[ Part 1 / Part 2 ]。

もしくは同様の理由から、フロリダでアル・ ゴアが、大統領になることを当局者が選挙妨害したときなどである。

要するに、 証拠は集められうるのです、


While John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. was reported to have died in an accidental plane crash on July 16, 1999, Division 4’s preliminary report reveals careful details dissimilar to those reported by news outlets, indicating what the team described in its report as “classic media disinformation, if not    outright lies” pertaining to suspect circumstances surrounding the death of the only son of President John F. Kennedy who was himself assassinated on November 22, 1963 under a similar investigative cloud.

一方、ジョン・フィッツジェラルド・ケネディJr.は、 1999-7月-16日の飛行機事故で 亡くなったと報告されている。

Division-4の予備報告書で、一般のニュースと細か な相違点が見受けられ、同様の疑惑で、1963-11月-22日大統領のJFK自身が暗殺され た、


"これが全くの嘘でなけれ ば、古典的なメディア操作である"


Most families of well-known politicians killed in “accidental” plane crashes were not afforded the opportunity of having a separate outside agency like Division 4 to investigate the evidence of their loved one‘s death as in the case of the son of an assassinated president. The prelim report summary is  revealing:

飛行機事故を装って殺された殆どの有名政治家一族にとって、可愛い一人息子を 失った暗殺された大統領が証拠集めに外部の、Division-4のような調査機関を持つ ことは許されないが、予備報告書に興味深い事が出ている。

“Subject was a qualified pilot, in control of his flight, flying a reasonably new aircraft, in excellent condition. Visibility was 8 miles. Wind, calm. All indication from Forensics and Physical evidence investigations lend themselves to a violent explosion, either from an altitude or barometric pressure device, or from a Particle Beam laser. [Delbert said Particle Beam laser was left out of final classified report] Aircraft ‘broke up’ in mid-air, as evidenced by wide spread debris gathered from the ocean and several different beaches. This can only be caused by an onboard explosion, or an attack by a missile or Laser. [Delbert said missile and Laser were left out of final report] Considering the nature of current political leanings of subject and today’s political atmosphere in America, and the before-mentioned facts, there is little doubt that subject was assassinated.In fact, team [Interpol Serial Killer Alpha Team] considers this a Political Assassination of the highest order. It was meant to alleviate a potential threat to the ruling elite. And it succeeded.” [From the JFK Jr. preliminary report, filed on July 19, 1999. This document has been authenticated by several intelligence agents; and we were told copies have been passed around the intelligence community for several years.]


視界は8 mile ≒ 13 km、風はなく、すべての法廷と物理的な捜査証拠、高度計や気圧計器類、レー ザー・ビームの破片からも爆発があったことを示している。

「レーザー・ビームの 破片は最終報告書から外されたとデルバートは行っていた」。

飛行機は広範囲に 散った海や、いくつもの海岸の破片状況から、上昇途中で崩壊したことになる。

これは爆弾を搭載していたことか、ミサイルもしくは、レーザー兵器に他ならな い。


現在のアメリカ政治トレンドや雰囲気、前述の事実から、これは紛れもなく暗殺で ある。

実際のところ、チーム[インターポール連続殺人犯アルファ・チーム]が、考え うる最高政治暗殺指令者である。

それは、支配エリートに対する潜在的脅威を軽減 するはずだった。


「JFK Jr.予備報告書より。

ファイル年 月日1999-7月-19日 


そし て、情報機関関係者に数年渡って回覧されたと告げられた」

Four team members and two from another U.S. law enforcement agency who jointly participated in producing the final classified report, filed on August 5, 1999, revealed startling evidence which will prevent a continued cover-up. 法律に則した4チームのメンバーとアメリカ以外の2チームが、これ以上の隠蔽が できない驚くべき証拠を含む最終的な報告書の作成に参加した。

ファイル日 付:1999-8月-5日

The six members of the Division 4 team and others will have to be protected and then subpoenaed for sealed testimony; and the grand jury will also need to hear the testimony of scores of the team’s interviewed citizen witnesses who have thus far remained understandably silent about what they saw and heard regarding JFK Jr.’s tragic death.


大陪審は、悲劇的死を遂げたJFK Jr.に関し、ここまではっきり残った、多くのチーム が尋問した市民証言に耳を傾ける必要がある。

Delbert said the team's probe was rigorous. We found it staggering:


“a) 30-40 witnesses were thoroughly interviewed


b) Ten individuals said they actually saw JFK Jr.‘s plane explode in mid-air Essex County Airport in Caldwell, New Jersey

b) 10名から実質、JFK Jr.の飛行機が Caldwell N.J.エセックス郡の飛行場で空 中爆発を目撃した。



投稿者 オリハル 日時 2005 年 9 月 12 日 17:07:24: 3eVpHzO3Pti46

(回答先: JFケネディ・ジュニアはクリントン元大統領夫婦とブッシュ親子による謀略により暗殺されたという証言が公表される 投稿者 サラ 日時 2005 年 9 月 12 日 04:09:39)


(訳 千成: 未訳部分は英文のままにしてあります)

題名:ヒラリー クリントンは彼女がイルミニストであることを完全に証明する新しい折り返しピンをつけている。−−クリントンの致命的指導力シリーズのパート6

副題: ヒラリー クリントンと政府の同僚の数人が古代にイルミナティのマスターによって使用された確たるイルミナティの象徴である折り返しピンをつけている。

このことがヒラリーとビル クリントンは、イルミニストであるというわたしたちの主張を証明しています。






Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.







but only after we set the Biblical foundation in NEWS1215, "Clinton Identifiable In Biblical Prophecy As One Of The 10 Kings of Daniel 2 & 7, and of Revelation 17".









以前から、ヒラリー クリントンは、新しい折り返しピンをつけてきています。









ヒラリーの折り返しピンは、 “フェニックス鳥”なのです。











Let us allow Masonic author, Manly P. Hall, 33 Degree, tell us about the legendary Phoenix Bird.















(Manly P. Hall著:アメリカの神秘の運命p. 176-77より)


フェニックス鳥は、いくつかの点で、イエス キリストの生涯と使命と共通項があります。



聖マタイ書2:1-12によれば、マギ(キリスト降誕を祝いにきた東方の三博士) が、キリストにミルラ樹脂と乳香を持参したとあります。


乳香(カンラン科ニュウコウ属の木(特にニュウコウジュ)から採る樹脂.)は人類に対するキリストの (神に対する)祈りによるとりなし、つまり代祷(とう) を示しているのです。





[Ibid.] Once again, we see that the Phoenix Bird legend carries another Messianic type ministry、 , a false one to be sure.
























Always remember that most pagan groups, especially the most sophisticated ones, have deliberately created the myth that their members are "born again". Even Roman Catholicism teaches that its members become born again, usually at Baptism.





投稿者 サラ 日時 2005 年 9 月 13 日 03:02:21: qRuhp5/W./QMw

(回答先: ヒラリー・クリントンがイルミナティーのバッヂを 投稿者 オリハル 日時 2005 年 9 月 12 日 17:07:24)






情報を訂正したり、追加できる方はそれを以下のThe Cutting Edgeまで送って欲しい。




1)McDougalは、クリントンとファースト レディのヒラリー ドダム クリントンのホワイトウオーター関係の調査において、もっとも重要な協力者であり証人であった。





3)McDougalは、以前のリトル ロック市の実業家のDavid Haleによって語られた物語にたいして傍証したこと。

David Haleは、ホワイトウオーター事件の調査において、初期の頃には、詐欺罪で有罪と申し立てられていたこと。


証言内容は、彼とMcDougalは、ビル クリントンと会ったが、クリントンが Haleに30万ドルの政府からの借款をSusan McDougalに提供することになっていた。


4)McDougalは、クリントン大統領に関するモニカ ルインスキーの申し立てを知っていて、レポーターに語っていたこと。







(1.) アーカンサス州の州警察調査官のRussell Welchはメナ市の麻薬作戦の調査をしている間に彼の医者が






(2.) Alder Berriman (Barry) Sealは、メナ空港でコカイン密輸操作部長だったが殺害された。


(3.) Kevin Ives, はティーンエイジャーだったが、メナ空港の近くに住んでいた。





この裁定は州の医学検死官Fahmy Malakによってなされたものであった。



(4.) Don Henryという Kevin Ivesの友達も又同じ夜に列車に轢かれた。




彼とIves はメサの麻薬作戦を目撃したという噂であった。


(5.) Keith ConeyはIves and Henryの死亡についての情報を持っていると主張した人であるが、バイクに乗っている時襲われ、逃げていた。




(6.) Keith McKaskleも IvesとHenryの殺人に関する情報を持っていると言ったが、彼は自宅で刺されて死亡した。



(7.) Gregory Collinsは IvesとHenryの殺人に関する情報を持っていると主張したもう一人の男であったが、彼はショットガンが顔のところで暴発して死んだ。


(8.) Jeff Rhodesは IvesとHenryの殺人についての情報を持っていると主張したもう一人の人であるが、頭を打ち抜かれた。



(9.) Richard Wintersは IvesとHenryの殺人に対して情報を持っていると言ったもう一人であったが、短身のショットガンを持つ男に殺された。

(10.) Jordan Ketelsonは IvesとHenryの殺人に関する情報を持っていると言ったもう一人であったがショットガンが頭部のとろで爆発した




NOTE: Not only does the Cutting Edge concur with this last statement, we regard it as just one more indication that our elected officials do not have our best interest at heart; yet, in spite of almost overwhelming evidence that this is true, most Americans continue to believe that their officials -- Local, State, Federal -- consciously try to do their jobs with our best interests foremost in their minds. Many State and Federal officials are strongly supporting this Plan of the New World Order.


(11.) Danny Casolaroはクリントンのスキャンダルを調査していたレポーターであったがウエスト バージニアのホテルの風呂桶の中で死んでいるのが発見された。




(12.) Sally Perdueはクリントンの正職員の一人であったが彼女が黙っていることを条件に年俸6万ドルの政府の仕事を与えられるか、足を折られるかどちらかにしろと言われた。




(13.) Gary Johnsonは Gennifer Flowersの隣に住んでいた弁護士だったが彼の家に侵入してきた二人の殺し屋にひどく殴打されて死亡した。



(14.) C. Victor Raiser II, はクリントンの選挙キャンペーンの時の財務委員であったが好天の時にアンカレッジの近くで飛行機が故障して死亡。





(15.) Montgomery Raiser, は C. Victor Raiserの息子であったが、父と一緒に飛行機事故で死んだ。


? 02/28/93

(16.) Steve Willis,


17) Robert Williams,


18) Conway LeBleu,


19.) Todd McKeehan,




Linda Thompsonによると、ビデオテープや他の証拠が、これらのボディガードのだれも、 Branch Davidiansでは、発砲された銃で死んだのではないことを示していた。



実際Branch Davidianで起こったすべての惨状は、これらの4人のボディーガードの殺人を隠蔽するものであるかもしれない。



(20.) John A. WilsonはワシントンDCの市会議員であったが、首をつった。



クリントンのボディーガード さらにもっと良い人々が4人死んだ


(21.) Staff Sgt(三等軍曹). Brian Haney 、


(22.) Marine Sgt (海兵隊三等軍曹) Tim Sabel ,


(23.) Maj(少佐). William Barkley ,


(24.) Capt.(大尉) Scott Reynolds ,













(25.) Vince Foster,( the Rose Law firm事件における前のパートナーで ホワイトハウスの側近)がFort Marcy 公園で死んでいた。





(26.) Paul Wilcher, (司法長官)がワシントンDCの彼の家で死んでいた。



彼の死亡の三週間前に彼は105ページの文書を弁護士のJanet Reno に手渡した。






彼が死んだ時には、彼は1980年の連邦選挙キャンペーンの “10月の驚愕”とアーカンサス州の Mena市からの麻薬や銃取引の間の関係を調査中であった。

また同様にテキサス州の Branch Davidiansのthe Wacoでの the BATF関係の襲撃も調査中であった。


その彼の発見によって 今ではわたしたちは Janet Renoの手は血に染まっていると確信できるのであるが。


わたしたちには、彼女がこの証拠をPaul Wilcherを殺すために慎重に使用したことがわかる。

そして上記4人のボディガード殺害を隠蔽するためにテキサス州の Wacoで男性たち、女性たち、子供たちを慎重に殺害したということがもっと容易に理解できる。


(27.) Jon Walker, (the Resolution Trust 社の調査員),

彼はバージニア州、アーリントンのLincoln Towersから不可解にも落下して死亡。


1992年3月にWalkerはカンサス市の RTCオフィスを訪問しWhitewaterとクリントンの間の関係に関する情報を求めた。

彼は報告によるとクリントンが、4千7百万ドルの使い込みを隠蔽するために、シカゴのRTC ファンドからMadison Guaranty Savings & Loan 社へ5千万ドルの送金をしたことを調査中であった。


(28.) Stanley Heard,



(29.) Steve Dickson,

(Mr. Heardの顧問)








(30.) Jerry (Luther) Parks, 保険会社の社長で、クリントンの大統領キャンペーンのとき保険を担当。

Little Rockにて暗殺形式で銃で撃たれて死亡。



Parks はクリントンの不正行為に関して書類を制作中であった。



彼はクリントンのセックス問題とドラッグ パーティに彼が出席していたことに関する詳細な記録を編纂していた。





(31.) Ed Willey, (クリントンの大統領選挙キャンペーン委員)は銃の暴発で死亡。



(32.) Herschel Friday, (クリントンの大統領選挙キャンペーンの財務委員)



1.) Dr. Ronald Rogers, (歯科医師)




(34.) Mr. Lassater氏の弁護士(名前は不明)

Mr. Lassaterの財務上の不正に関する事件を調べていて死亡。



Mr. Lassater氏はクリントンと親しかったが、後に麻薬に関する罪状で起訴されていた。


(35.) Kathy Ferguson, (アーカンサス州警察のDanny Fergusonの前妻の)は頭に銃弾を受けて死亡。



彼女は前夫がPaula Jones事件で共犯者と名指しされた五日後に死んだ。

Kathy はクリントンがPaula Jones 事件と同じように彼女に性的いやがらせをしていたと友人に語っていた。

She purportedly had knowledge of Clinton's "regulars" and often talked about how Clinton had gotten Danny to bring women to him and stand watch while they had sex. Part of Danny's job was to make sure that each woman was ready and willing when she and Clinton got together. Kathy said she heard that Clinton was really mad when Paula Jones wouldn't "put out". Oddly, next to her body were her packed bags, as if she was expecting to be going somewhere.


(36.) Bill Shelton,(アーカンサス州の警官で Kathy Fergusonが死んだ時、彼女のボーイフレンドであった)は頭部に銃弾を受けて死んでいるのを発見された。






Shelton警部はKathy Fergusonのフィアンセであり、Trooper Danny Ferguson の前妻であった。

Kathy Fergusonは又、彼女が先月居間にいるとき、自分を撃って“自殺”をしたという。

Danny Fergusonは、Paula Corbin Jonesのセクシュアル ハラスメント訴訟でクリントンとともに被告であった。

彼の前妻はMs. Jonesのために証明する目撃者として報告されていた。


(37.) Stanley Huggins, (Memphis法律事務所のパートナー)

が Delawareで死んでいるのが発見された。


彼は1987年にMadison Savings & Loan社でのローンに関する調査主任であった。



(38.) Florence Martin, (CIAの請負として働いていた会計士)

はテキサス州の Mabellで死んでいるのを発見された。


彼女はケイマン島の富士銀行でBarry Seal名義の146万ドルの口座のピン ナンバーに関する書類を持っていた。

彼女が死んだ後、金はケイマン島のGuaranty Bankに移され、それからバージン島にあると思われている他の銀行に送金されてしまった



(39.) Dennis Patrick, (ケンタッキー州の裁判所書記)4通の脅しの書類を受け取った。

クリントンの友達であり、コカインの取引で起訴された会社重役のDan Lasaterによって所有されているLittle Rock仲買業会社であるLasater & Co.社はマネー洗浄をパトリックが知らない間に彼の口座を使ってやっていた。



(40.) 黒人の婦人で, Little Rock 市のマクドナルドレストランの支配人であった。

クリントンの 常連の7人の一人。


(Gennifer FlowersやPaula Jones やその他の女性もクリントンのこの体型上の特徴を証言している)


(41.) Larry Nichols,(ADFA の職員で“クリントン年代記”の著者)は1994年に明らかに毒殺されかかった。

最近のテレビ番組でNichols は




「クリントンは Nicholsをすぐに殺せば、もっと問題をかかえるが、殺さないと彼に証言される危険を冒すので、どちらを選択するか迷っている」




(42.) Ron Brown, (DNCの前議長)はボスニアへ39人の他の人々と出かけて行く時 T-43(空軍によって使われるように737として名前が変わった)がthe Dubrovnik空港に接近中に墜落して死亡した。





(43)上記Brownの飛行機が着陸しようとしたthe Dubrovnik空港の空港メンテナンス主任Niko Junicが、飛行機の墜落のちょうど3日後に死んでいるのが発見された。



(44) この墜落の時に搭乗していた空軍の軍人中に生き残った人が一人いたことをあなたは知っていましたか?

それは空軍の技術軍曹の Shelley Kellyで、スチュワデスであり約4時間生きていた。









(45.) Barbera Wise, (商務省職員) は商務省でスキャンダルが巻き起こっていたとき死亡。

そのスキャンダルは、ほとんどがJohn Huangについてであった。

Huangの知り合いの一人のBarbera Wiseは商務省の鍵のかかった部屋で死んでいた。



奇妙なことに、彼女の死体が発見されるとクリントンはキャンプ デービッドからホワイトハウスに予定外のスケジュールで舞い戻り、演説のために詩の本が必要になったと告げた。

(46.) Charles Meissner, (国際経済政策部門の事務次官補)は、乗っている小型飛行機が墜落死亡。

上記Ron Brownが死亡した後、 John Huangは商務省の契約書に載り、彼はCharles Meissner によるセキュリティの許可を得ることになった。

その後すぐに、Charles Meissnerは小型飛行機が墜落して死亡。


(47.) Mary Mahoney,(ホワイトハウスのインターン)死亡。




Paula Jonesの裁判に関して出廷前の広報で、またニューズウイーク誌のMike Isikoffが“前のホワイトハウスの職員”がセクシュアル ハラスメントに関する事実を語る予定であるというヒントを出した後事件は起こった。





この記事に関しては、Mike Isikoffが書いた“前のホワイトハウスの職員”はその後現れることはなかった。








Subtitle: Hillary Clinton and some Administration associates have been wearing a lapel pin that is clearly an ancient symbol used by the Masters of the Illuminati. This proves our contention that Hillary and Bill Clinton are practicing Illuminists . This pin also proves the New World Order is very, very close. The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.



For the past 5 months, we have been reporting that Bill and Hillary are practicing Illuminist witches, through our series entitled, "Clinton's Fatal Leadership". We report many evidences of this phenomenon, but only after we set the Biblical foundation in NEWS1215, "Clinton Identifiable In Biblical Prophecy As One Of The 10 Kings of Daniel 2 & 7, and of Revelation 17". If you have not yet read this article, we encourage you to do so now. Then, we encourage you to read the other articles in this series by clicking on the link on The Cutting Edge home page entitled, "Clinton's Scandals ". We have created an outline for this series so you can easily see the subject matter and click directly to each article. Below the outline, we have been adding each new Clinton article to this section, so we encourage you to keep checking this section regularly.

For the past year, Hillary Clinton has been wearing a new lapel pin that is distinctive, to say the least. While other Christian ministries have reported this pin, none of them has recognized it for the Illuminati symbol it truly is, largely because no one in those ministries is fully conversant in the occult. This symbol, shown in the picture of Hillary above, is NOT of an eagle in flight who is carrying a round ball of pearl, as has been reported. This "eagle" is of a far more insidious type, but before we can see exactly what type of bird it is, we need to see this lapel pin a lot more clearly.

"Hillary's Lapel Pin" "Phoenix Bird"

Please examine this pin in this close-up photo. You will notice that this bird is not an American Eagle, because its neck is far too thin and is stretched well out. In fact, you might even say it is "scrawny". This bird is the occultic Phoenix Bird , of Ancient Egyptian legend. Notice the extreme similarities between the "eagle" in the lapel pin and the picture of the Phoenix Bird, to the right.

PHOENIX BIRD SHOWN TO BE SYMBOL OF THE FALSE MESSIAH What, do you say, is an Egyptian Phoenix Bird? The Phoenix Bird of Ancient Egypt is pure legend, but that does not keep occultists from believing in its existence. Let us allow Masonic author, Manly P. Hall, 33 Degree, tell us about the legendary Phoenix Bird.

"Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers such as Clement, Herodotus, and Pliny; in size and shape it resembled the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color. Only one of these birds was supposed to live at a time, with its home in the distant parts of Arabia, in a nest of frankincense and myrrh. The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection." [Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America , 1958, p. 176-77; Emphasis added]

I find it highly interesting that this occultic legend, the Phoenix Bird, shares several things with the true story of the birth, life, and ministry of Jesus Christ. Let us quickly review these common points:

1) The Phoenix Bird lives in a nest of frankincense. In Luke 2:11-12, we see that the three Wise Men -- Magi -- brought Jesus myrrh and frankincense. Each of these substances has a distinct meaning in the ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The "frankincense [indicates] Christ's priestly intercession" for mankind, according to the Defender's Bible Commentary. Therefore, to say that the Phoenix Bird lives in a nest containing frankincense portrays a Messiah type ministry for mankind, and one that involves spiritual "intercession".

2) The Phoenix Bird also has myrrh in his nest. "Myrrh [indicates] Christ's coming death" for all mankind, so people can be Justified before God the Father on the basis of Jesus' sacrificial death on the Cross. [Ibid.] Once again, we see that the Phoenix Bird legend carries another Messianic type ministry, a false one to be sure.

3) We see that, after his death, the Phoenix Bird arises to live anew. Thus, the Phoenix portrays a third Messianic type ministry, in that it arose again.

Therefore, this legend parallels Jesus' true life and ministry in three critically important areas, in His spiritual Intercession, His Substitutionary Death for all mankind, and in His Resurrection.

This is the reason the Masters of the Illuminati seized upon the Phoenix Bird as one of their symbols of the coming New World Order of Antichrist. Do not ever forget that this goal is paramount for the New World Order. They plan on staging the False Christ, whom we will know is Antichrist. Thus, the symbol of the Phoenix Bird perfectly fulfills their plan and can perfectly serve as the symbol of that Man of Perdition.


But, now let us return to the occultic story of the Phoenix Bird.

"All symbols have their origin in something tangible, and the Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world, and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or re-born. Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again ." [Hall, Ibid.; Emphasis added]

Isn't this amazing? The Phoenix Bird legend now has a fourth Messianic type connotation; it represents a man being "born again ". Always remember that most pagan groups, especially the most sophisticated ones, have deliberately created the myth that their members are "born again". Even Roman Catholicism teaches that its members become born again, usually at Baptism.


Let us now hear more about the occult belief in the Phoenix Bird, from a former witch.

"The Phoenix ... is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt ... This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who they think will one day rise triumphant. This, of course, also relates to the rising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic 'christ'." [Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated , p. 123]

Lest you think this tie-in of the Phoenix Bird to Lucifer is one occultist's imagination, listen to Barbara Walker, a radical feminist. She says that the Egyptians and Phoenicians believed that the Phoenix Bird was the representation of a god who "rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth ..." [Walker, Now Is The Dawning ", p. 281]

Another Masonic author, revealed that the Sun God, who created all other gods, was symbolized by the Phoenix. [Joseph Fort Newton, The Builders: A Story and Study of Masonry, The Torch Press, 1914, p. 13-14; also J.S.M. Ward, The Hung Society or the Society of Heaven and Earth , The Baskerville, Press, Ltd., 1925, p. 44 and 102]


Former Illuminist Witch, Doc Marquis, reveals a most interesting, and little known, fact about our American Eagle depicted on our Great Seal. He states that, originally, the American Eagle was not an Eagle, but the Phoenix Bird! Our Forefathers, who were either Masons or Rosicrucians, envisioned that the Phoenix Bird was to be our national symbol, not the America Eagle! [Secrets of the Illuminati, p. 11; see also the Satanic book of symbols, Magic Symbols , p. 140-3]


The Phoenix Bird is one of the foremost symbols of the Illuminati, according to Doc Marquis. Therefore, since Hillary Clinton is wearing this symbol, we can know conclusively that she is an Illuminist. Further, since this Illuminist lapel pin was worn by two people very close to President Bill Clinton, we can know for certain that he is an Illuminist, too. [This lapel pin was seen being worn by: Donna Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services and Bettie Currie, Clinton's Personal Secretary, see U.S. News & World Report, 2/9/98].

Finally, this lapel pin was seen being worn by Conservative Republican Jeanne Kirkpatrick! This fact demonstrates conclusively that both Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives, are equally committed to the New World Order! Now you are deceived no longer and you know the truth of what is really going on in Washington, D.C. President Clinton will not get removed from office because that is most definitely not the plan, as the Republican leadership is just as committed to the New World Order as is Clinton. You can read full details in NEWS1248,


"Impeachment Process Is A Tool To Topple Our Government".

Now, let us examine the occult symbolism behind this Illuminist lapel pin, shown above. Doc Marquis confirmed with me during a phone call on January 27, 1999, that the Phoenix Bird is a symbol of the Masters of the Illuminati. With that in mind, listen to Doc's occult explanation of this lapel pin.

1) The very fact that this lapel pin features a Phoenix Bird shows that the pin is Illuminist in meaning, and that the wearers are Illuminists, as well. Only Illuminists would wear a Phoenix Bird lapel pin. And, when they wear it, they are deliberately sending a message to all fellow occultists in the world.

2) Since the Phoenix Bird is carrying a ball, we know that the ball represents our world. Notice that pagans have used this symbol before, with the Phoenix Bird having two worlds beneath its wings [taken from Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, p. 122]. This lapel pin has the Phoenix Bird carrying the entire world in its clinched talons, signifying that it has captured the world.

3) Since the Phoenix Bird is looking to his left, we know that he is carrying the world to a new location despite the fact that the peoples of the world are opposed to where they are being taken. In occult symbolism, when a bird is pictured looking to his right, it means that he is supportive of something and when he looks to his left, he is looking in opposition. Since the New World Order will mean death and destruction to two-thirds of the world's population, we know that people are going to oppose its goals, especially those of us who know exactly what their Plan is. No matter. Even against all this opposition, the Phoenix Bird [Illuminati] is carrying the world captive and is taking it to the new location, the New World Order of Antichrist.

4) The wings spread in active flight demonstrate that this new location is going to be arrived at quickly, without much further delay. Thus, Hillary and Bill and all these women wearing this pin are communicating to fellow occultists that the coming New World Order is very close to being achieved.

This lapel pin confirms our contention that Bill and Hillary are practicing Illuminist Witches . We have proved it in our previous articles on this subject, but this lapel pin absolutely, completely proves it. However, we have recently been sent a picture which also demonstrate that this is the truth. Dr. Burns sent us this photo, which had been taken from Texe Marrs' ministry.


This picture is truly worth 1,000 words. Here, we see Hillary being "blessed" by a Native American shaman, giving her a traditional American blessing. Native American spirituality is quite the rage these days, as you can see for yourself by going into a New Age bookstore, where you will find so many books touting their old religion. The reason New Agers and witches of all stripes are really "into" Native American spirituality is that the Native Indians practiced an Earth Mother worship very close to our current New Age. In fact, Native Americans are held up continuously as supreme examples of an entire nation "living close to Nature", in "perfect harmony and balance". Hillary would have had no trouble allowing a Native American shaman bless her and pray over her.

The facts seem to be all in. Bill and Hillary Clinton are just what Doc Marquis said they were, telling me back in 1992 that they both were practicing Illuminist Witches, with Hillary outranking Bill in the occult world. Again, if you have not read our articles on the Clinton Scandals, we urge you to do so. After reading these articles, you will understand that our leaders are truly what the Bible says they will be at the End of the Age -- powerful, Black Magick witches, just as Antichrist will be when he arises. Listen:

"... a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand;" [Daniel 8:23-25]

The words we have highlighted in red print tell the story; Antichrist will be a Black Magick practitioner. He will cause Witchcraft, also known as the craft , to prosper in the world. Witchcraft, of the most Black Magick variety possible, will be performed regularly at that church on Main and Elm, Anywhere, USA.

Further, Daniel 2 and 7 and Revelation 17 reveal that the 10 leaders who conspire to accumulate all the power of the world to themselves for the express purpose of handing it over to Antichrist, will be of the same spiritual nature as he. This means each of the 10 leaders will be Black Magick practitioners. Since NAFTA is Nation #1 in the 10-Nation New World Order Reorganization Plan, and Bill Clinton is its undisputed leader, he must be expected to be a Black Magick Witch. We believe we have now proven that point.

All these exciting events tell us we are at the very End of the Age, and that Jesus Christ is standing at the very Rapture door! Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.


We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

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God bless you.

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Clinton Death List

This information has been compiled from a variety of publicly available sources and is believed to be correct but may contain errors or omissions. Anyone with corrections or additions may forward them to the The Cutting Edge www.thecuttingedgeministries.org

Some significant facts regarding his TIMELY death: 1) McDougal was one of the most important cooperating witnesses in the Whitewater probe of Mr. Clinton and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. His death means the Clintons no longer face the prospect of their former real estate partner giving damaging testimony against them. Nor can any sworn statements McDougal made to a grand jury be used in a trial, since defendants must have the right of cross-examination. 2) McDougal was scheduled to be eligible for release from prison on parole in less than a month. 3) McDougal had corroborated the story told by former Little Rock businessman David Hale, who pleaded guilty to fraud early in the Whitewater investigation. Hale testified at the Tucker-McDougal trial that he and McDougal met with Bill Clinton and discussed Hale providing a fraudulent $300,000 government-backed loan to Susan McDougal. 4) On learning of the Monica Lewinsky allegations involving President Clinton, McDougal told a reporter: 5) McDougal was placed in solitary confinement one day before his mysterious death for allegedly refusing to submit to a urine test. He was in very poor health with heart disease and cancer, so why would someone in his shape need a urine test presumably to screen for illicit drugs.

(1.) Russell Welch, an Arkansas State Police Investigator, was stricken with what his doctor called "military- grade" anthrax poisoning during his probe of Mena drug operations. Welsh did recover, thanks to a very astute doctor. Of course, Mena drug running has long been rumored to be connected with Clinton.

1986 (2.) Alder Berriman (Barry) Seal, the head of the cocaine smuggling operation at Mena airport, was murdered.

08/23/87 (3.) Kevin Ives, a teenager who lived near Mena, AR, was run over by a train close to Mena. First ruled a suicide, a later autopsy showed he was murdered before he was run over by the train. He may have gotten too curious about air drops he had seen in the nearby countryside. Initial cause of death was reported to be the result of falling asleep on a railroad track in Arkansas on August 23, 1987. This ruling was reported by the State medical examiner Fahmy Malak. Later it was determined that Kevin died from a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks.

08/23/87 (4.) Don Henry, a friend of Kevin Ives, was also run over by the train on the same night. His death was initially ruled a suicide, too, but a later autopsy showed he was also murdered before he was run over by the train. Don had been stabbed in the back. Rumors abound that he and Ives stumbled upon a Mena drug operation.

04/88 (5.) Keith Coney, an individual who claimed to have information about the deaths of Ives and Henry, was fleeing an attacker on his motorcycle, when he slammed into the back of a truck. Police ruled it a "traffic fatality."

11/88 (6.) Keith McKaskle, another person who claimed to have information about the Ives-Henry murders, was brutally stabbed to death in his home. He knew someone was after him so he said goodbye to his friends and family.

01/89 (7.) Gregory Collins, another person who claimed to have information about the Ives-Henry murders, died from a shotgun blast in the face

04/89 (8.) Jeff Rhodes, another person who claimed to have information about the Ives-Henry murders, was shot in the head. His burned body was found in the city dump, with his hands, feet, and head partially severed.

(9.) Richard Winters, another person who claimed to have information about the Ives-Henry murders, was killed by a man using a sawed-off shotgun.

(10.) Jordan Ketelson, who also claimed to have information about the Ives-Henry murders, died of a shotgun blast to the head.

A total of six individuals that claimed to have information about the Ives-Henry murders ended up being murdered themselves. Not one arrest was ever made with regard to these murders or the activities at Mena. It is highly unlikely that this could have occurred without the cooperation of the authorities. NOTE: Not only does the Cutting Edge concur with this last statement, we regard it as just one more indication that our elected officials do not have our best interest at heart; yet, in spite of almost overwhelming evidence that this is true, most Americans continue to believe that their officials -- Local, State, Federal -- consciously try to do their jobs with our best interests foremost in their minds. Many State and Federal officials are strongly supporting this Plan of the New World Order.

08/10/91 (11.) Danny Casolaro, a reporter who was investigating several of the Clinton Scandals, was found dead in the bathtub of a hotel room in West Virginia, with his wrists slit. He had earlier warned his family that his life was in danger and if he was found dead due to an apparent accident or suicide, not to believe it.

(12.) Sally Perdue, one of Clinton's "regulars", was offered a $60,000/year federal job to keep her mouth shut; or she would have her legs broken. When she did come forward, she received a series of threats; but luckily for her, the American press mostly ignored her.

06/26/92 (13.) Gary Johnson, an attorney who lived next door to Gennifer Flowers, was beaten severely and left for dead by two thugs who broke into his apartment. It seems he had video taped some of Clinton's "visits" and had mentioned the existence of the tapes to other people. The intruders made sure they took only these Clinton-Flowers' tapes after they finished beating Johnson.

07/20/92 (14.) C. Victor Raiser II, co-chairman of Clinton's presidential campaign finance committee, was killed in a plane crash near Anchorage, AK, in good weather. With his inside knowledge of the Clinton operation, he had become disillusioned by what he had seen, thus becoming a potential liability. (There are reported to be several ways for hit-men to rig small aircraft to crash so that they appear to be accidents. In fact, start taking note of the many times a victim was killed in an airplane accident.)

07/30/92 (15.) Montgomery Raiser, the son of C. Victor Raiser, died in the plane crash with his father.

CLINTON BODYGUARDS AN ENDANGERED SPECIES? 02/28/93 (16.) Steve Willis, Clinton bodyguard

17.) Robert Williams, Clinton bodyguard

18.) Conway LeBleu, Clinton bodyguard

19.) Todd McKeehan, Clinton bodyguard

All were killed, "execution style" by gunfire in the Waco, Texas assault on the Branch Davidians. A private doctor examined all four victims, discovering that these men died from nearly identical wounds to the left temple, typically execution style. According to Linda Thompson, videotapes and other evidence indicates that none died from guns fired by Branch Davidians. This incident is the most serious in modern American history, for it demonstrates the terrible slide this government has made in dealing boldly and fearlessly with its enemies. In fact, the entire Branch Davidian disaster may have been a cover for murdering these four body guards! If Clinton can be this bold now, the future looks mighty dim for the rest of us.

05/19/93 (20.) John A. Wilson, a Washington, D.C. councilman, "hung himself". He allegedly knew a lot about Clinton and was reportedly going to start talking before his death made that impossible.


05/19/93 (21.) Staff Sgt. Brian Haney , Clinton bodyguard (22.) Marine Sgt. Tim Sabel , Clinton

(23.) Maj. William Barkley , Clinton bodyguard

(24.) Capt. Scott Reynolds , Clinton bodyguard. All 4 men died when their helicopter crashed in the woods near Quantico, VA. Reporters were barred from the site, and the head of the fire department, responding to the crash, described it by saying, "Security was tight," with "lots of Marines with guns." A videotape made by a firefighter was seized by the Marines. All 4 men had escorted Clinton on his flight to the carrier Roosevelt shortly before their deaths. Did these bodyguards see something they should not have seen when they accompanied Clinton about this aircraft carrier? What Clinton might have possibly done, about which he could not afford to trust these men to keep silent is anyone's guess.


07/20/93 (25.) Vince Foster, a former partner in the Rose Law firm and White House aide, was found dead in Fort Marcy Park. It was.ruled a suicide, but this conclusion does NOT square with the testimony from the man who found the body; nor does it square with much of the forensic evidence At the very least, the forensic evidence shows that Foster was killed somewhere else and then moved to the park; at the most, the evidence shows that he could not have killed himself, but was killed by someone else. We can see that not even Bill's long-time friend, and Hillary's long-time lover, was immune from the wake of death following these two.

07/23/93 (26.) Paul Wilcher, an attorney, was found dead in his Washington, D.C. home. The coroner either could not find or did not report the cause of death. At the time of his death, Wilcher was investigating gun-running and the drug business in Mena, AR. Three weeks before his death he wrote a 105-page letter to Attorney General Janet Reno describing evidence that he allegedly had concerning Mena. The first page of his letter stated in part; "The lives of key participants, other witnesses, and even myself, are now in grave danger as a result of my passing this information on to you. If you let thisinformation fall into the hands of the wrong persons ...some or all of those who know the truth ...could well be silenced in the very near future." At the time of his death, he was investigating connections between the "October surprise" during the 1980 federal election campaign and drug and gun-running out of Mena, Arkansas, as well as the BATF assault on the Waco, Texas Branch Davidians. He was planning on producing a television documentary on his findings Now we know for sure that Janet Reno has blood on her hands. We further know that she is not an independent Attorney General, but is just a lackey for President Clinton. Now that we know she deliberately used this evidence to kill Paul Wilcher, we can more easily believe that she deliberately murdered the men, women, and children at Waco, Texas, in order to cover the murders of the four Clinton bodyguards, above.

08/15/93 (27.) Jon Walker, an investigator for the Resolution Trust Corporation, mysteriously "fell" to his death from Lincoln Towers, in Arlington, VA. In March 1992, Walker contacted the Kansas City RTC office for information concerning the ties between Whitewater and the Clintons. He reportedly was looking into a 50 million dollar transfer from an RTC fund in Chicago to Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan to cover up a 47 million dollar embezzlement.

09/10/93 (28.) Stanley Heard, Chairman, National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee

09/10/93 (29.) Steve Dickson, Counsel to Mr. Heard

Both died in a plane crash outside Dulles airport, after their aircraft -- rented after Heard's personal craft developed troubles crashed while attempting an emergency landing after reporting a fire on board. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council, also personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather, and BROTHER. If this unlucky chiropractor treated Clinton's brother, it is likely he accidentally stumbled on to some of the drug operation in which the Clintons were involved.

09/26/93 (30.) Jerry (Luther) Parks, the owner of a security firm that provided security for Clinton's presidential campaign, was gunned down, assassination style, in Little Rock. His family reported that shortly before his death, they were being followed by unknown persons, and their home had been broken into. Parks had been compiling a dossier on Clinton's illicit activities. The dossier was stolen. The Clinton campaign had failed to settle an outstanding debt to Parks for $81,000 at the time of his death. Mr. Parks had compiled detailed records of Clinton's sexual affairs and his attendance at "drug parties" Parks' wife said her husband threatened to go public with his information if Clinton did not pay the bill. Parks' home was broken into only hours before he was murdered. THE ONLY THING TAKEN FROM HIS HOME WAS THE DOCUMENTATION HE HAD ON CLINTON.

11/30/93 (31.) Ed Willey, the manager of the Clinton presidential campaign committee, died of a "self-inflicted" gunshot wound. He was seen handling briefcases full of cash during the campaign.

03/01/94 (32.) Herschel Friday, a member of the Clinton presidential campaign finance committee, was killed when his plane exploded and crashed as he approached his private landing strip near his Arkansas home, in a light drizzle.

03/03/94 33.) Dr. Ronald Rogers, a dentist from Royal, AR, was killed when his twin-engine Cessna crashed near Lawton, OK, in clear weather. He was on his way to see Ambrose Evans Pritchard, a reporter from the "London Sunday Telegraph" to reveal some "dirt" on Clinton.

05/94 (34.) Attorney for Mr. Lassater (name unknown) -Attorney representing Mr. Lassater in a case concerning alleged financial misconduct. died in an alleged suicide by jumping out of window of a multi-story building. Mr. Lassater was a close associate of Gov. Clinton, and was later indicted on drug related charges, among other things.

11/94 (35.) Kathy Ferguson, the ex-wife of Arkansas State Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head, in Sherwood, AR. The right-handed Ferguson supposedly shot herself behind the left ear. It was labeled a suicide even though much of the forensic evidence does not support this finding. She died five days after her ex-husband was named a co-conspirator in the Paula Jones case. Kathy had told friends that Clinton had sexually harassed her in a manner similar to that reported by Paula Jones. She purportedly had knowledge of Clinton's "regulars" and often talked about how Clinton had gotten Danny to bring women to him and stand watch while they had sex. Part of Danny's job was to make sure that each woman was ready and willing when she and Clinton got together. Kathy said she heard that Clinton was really mad when Paula Jones wouldn't "put out". Oddly, next to her body were her packed bags, as if she was expecting to be going somewhere.

06/12/94 (36.) Bill Shelton, an Arkansas police officer and boyfriend of Kathy Ferguson at the time of her death, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head. He allegedly "committed suicide" by shooting himself at the gravesite of his fiancee in Sherwood, AR. He was shot behind the ear which is usually the sign of an execution. His death was also labeled a suicide. Shelton was highly critical of the conclusion by local police that Kathy had committed suicide and he aired his complaints widely. Officer Shelton was the fiancee of Kathy Ferguson, the ex-wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson. Kathy Ferguson also committed "suicide" last month when she shot herself in her living room. Danny Ferguson is a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Corbin Jones sexual harassment suit. His ex-wife was reported as a corroborating witness for Ms. Jones.

06/23/94 (37.) Stanley Huggins, a partner in a Memphis law firm, was found dead in Delaware at age 46. Huggins headed a 1987 examination into the loan practices of Madison Savings & Loan. He produced a 300-400 page report that has never been made public.

10/31/94 (38.) Florence Martin, an accountant who had worked as a sub-contractor for the CIA, was found dead in Mabell, TX, the victim of three gunshot wounds to her head. She had documents, and paperwork, as well as the pin number to an account that had been set up in the name of Barry Seal for $1.46 million dollars at the Fuji Bank in the Cayman Islands. Following her death the money was moved to the Guaranty Bank in the Caymen Islands and then was transferred from that bank to another bank believed to be in the Virgin Islands.


Ongoing (39.) Dennis Patrick, a Court Clerk in Kentucky, has had at least four documented attempts on his life. Lasater & Co., a Little Rock brokerage firm owned by Dan Lasater, a FOB [Friend of Bill] and convicted cocaine dealer, laundered millions of dollars through Patrick's account at Lasater, without his knowledge. Patrick is currently in hiding.

Ongoing (40.) A black woman, who is the manager of a Little Rock McDonald's restaurant, and one of the seven or so Clinton "regulars" is frightened for her life after confirming that Clinton has an extremely small penis. (Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and others have independently corroborated this characteristic of Clinton's anatomy.)

Ongoing (41.) Larry Nichols, a former official of the ADFA and author of "The Clinton Chronicles", was apparently poisoned in November 1994. On a recent TV show Nichols said, "I guess they will have to try again." He also stated that, "Bill Clinton deals in margins...(paraphrasing)... he will decide whether it will result in more problems for Nichols to die suddenly vs. risk having him testify."


05/03/96 (42.) Ron Brown, former Chairman, DNC; Commerce Secretary died along with 39 other people when the T-43 (a converted 737 used by the Air Force) carrying the group on a trip to Bosnia crashed while approaching the Dubrovnik airport. On the verge of being indicted and having stated publicly his willingness to make a deal with prosecutors, Ron Brown's death brought to an end the investigations into the Commerce Department. No autopsy was preformed despite military pathologists finding a .45 caliber hole in the top of Ron Browns head that left an "Inward beveling" wound, typical of an expanding bullet. Skull X-Rays showed metal fragments behind his left eye, resembling a "Lead snowstorm". All X-Rays of the head are now missing and presumed to have been destroyed.

(43) The airport maintanance chief of the Dubrovnik airport at which Brown's plane was trying to land, Niko Junic, was found dead just three days after the crash. Local Croatian officials immediately closed the case, calling his death a "suicide" Thus, any plans to interview him about the conditions of the airport equipment or weather conditions instantly had to be cancelled.

(44) Did you know there was an Air Force survivor of this crash? Air Force Tech. Sgt. Shelley Kelly, a stewardess, survived the crash for some four hours. Kelly and another stewardess had been seated in a jumpseat at the very rear of the 737. That area was found basically intact after the crash. According to the Air Force, she received first aid from Croatian rescuers but died on the way to a nearby hospital. Her autopsy report states that Kelly died of a broken neck. Now, not one of the Croatian rescuers that gave her first aid reported that she had a broken neck. Wouldn't you think they would have noticed that during their initial treatment of her wounds.

11/29/96 (45.) Barbera Wise, Commerce Dept. Staffer died as the scandals continued to swirl around the Commerce Department, and most of all about John Huang. One of Huang's associates, Barbera Wise, was found dead in her locked office at the Department of Commerce, partially nude and covered with bruises. No cause of death has ever been announced. Oddly enough, following the discovery of her body, Bill Clinton made an unscheduled return to the White House from Camp David, claiming he needed a book of poetry in order to complete his inauguration speech.

(46.) Charles Meissner, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy. Following Ron Brown's death, John Huang was placed on a Commerce Department contract that allowed him to retain his security clearence by Charles Meissner. Shortly thereafter, Charles Meissner died in the crash of a small plane.

07/97 (47.) Mary Mahoney, White House Intern, died. An attractive 25 year old woman, Mary was a former White House Intern for Bill Clinton working as the Assistant Manager at a Starbuck's Coffee shop in Georgetown. In the pre-trial publicity surrounding Paula Jones lawsuit, and mere days after Newsweek's Mike Isikoff had dropped hints that a "former White House staffer" was about to go public with her story of sexual harassement at 1600 Pennsylvania, gunmen entered the Starbuck's while the crew was cleaning up after closing. Mary's two associates were taken to a room and shot. Mary herself had five bullets in her. No money was taken. As of this writing, Mike Isikoff's "former White House staffer" has never appeared. Investigators of the Clinton Scandals often say that, as with previous scandals, to get to the truth, follow the money. However, with these scandals the ultimate truth may be more easily found by following the BODIES. All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:

